What do you guys do in the winter?
Most clubs still have activities. Also, we will have some warm days yet. I guess my answer is that we do the same thing year around, but just don't have as much time outdoors and in the pool in the winter. Everyone sticks to the hot tub!
What most of my friends and I do when the weather gets cold is instead of havin pool parties and outside events we have parties in the house, Still nude, still fun things to do, can just be a social gathering or a fun party with games such as Naked Twister. Last party I had here was just a social, everyone enjoying each others company, watching TV, drinking, a few joined the others out in the hot tub.
So we don't have to hibernate in the winter, there are still things we can do inside. Last year quite a few of us rented out a bowling alley for a few hours and went nude bowling! Still had to wear the regulation shoes but we all had a blast!
Thought maybe I would revive this thread, seeing that we are entering into that time of year again. We have been to Bluebonnet and it's still a fun social event even without water volleyball. Other than that it's just hanging around the house trying not to run the utility bills up too high to stay warm without having to put anything on. Would be nice to be able to invite others over to avoid the social withdrawl.