No erections

An erection is not always sexual and is a very natural thing. Though, generally speaking they are associated with levels of arousal, it is common as any man will tell you to get an erection "out of the blue".
With that being said, this website is different than an actual nudist environment such as a beach or club. At a beach of club, erections are inevitable and the occasional erection shouldn't be an issue as long as it is handled appropriately. However, a site such as this where you deliberately choose the pictures which you include, an erection picture is not suitable, whether or not the picture was taken at a time of sexual arousal or a random andunwarranted erection.
If your parents or children were nudists, would you take a picture of yourself with an erection and send it to them in email or otherwise? I should hope not. The same attitude should be applied here.
While ultimately it can be argued that an erection can be innocent, choosing to include it takes away that level of innocents in my opinion.
I myself am a grower, not a shower. It used to bother me when I was younger and I was very self conscious about it. However, I became a man and put away childish things. Obviously during certain activities (walking/running, volleyball, etc.) an increased systemic blood flow will also increase blood flow to the penis, thus changing the size especially for a grower. This should be suitable even for pictures on here depicting those activities but there is a vast difference between that type of "growth" and a semi or full erection.

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

Hi all;just a quick note; as in all nudist/naturist sites, we have the discussion of erections in pics. I have noticed from a few pics on here, blokes with a good semi and/or a lazy lob to coin venacular. I am not a lover of offending anyone so i tend not to put a pic of me up with a semi erection. As I'm sure with all males, I get an erection when my wife takes a pic f me on the beach or in the back garden, because it does push the button. However, who is the moral benchmark to say that is an erection.... rather than a semi.

I have to say " When gravity is no longer in control, it would have to be called an erection.".

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

Hi all; just a quick note; as in all nudist/naturist sites, we have the discussion of erections in pics. I have noticed from a few pics on here, blokes with a good semi and/or a lazy lob to coin venacular. I am not a lover of offending anyone so i tend not to put a pic of me up with a semi erection. As I'm sure with all males, I get an erection when my wife takes a pic f me on the beach or in the back garden, because it does push the button. However, who is the moral benchmark to say that is an erection.... rather than a semi.
I have to say " When gravity is no longer in control, it would have to be called an erection.".
Spot on! .... Art.

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

It's not like someone has been caught in a video and there were no other options. With digital cameras and plenty of options to delete and retake, or take a hundred pics, why must that one questionable picture that is'CHOSEN" to be posted, posted? That all comes down to the member's decision to display. Yes, there are varying degrees of sizes and such depending on weather, attitude, and thoughts. Flacid should be acceptable without a question, whether an inch, four inches, or such, but a fully erect penis, or a penis partially erect in a provacative pose, IE camera shot from the knees or with the legs spread as a display stand are all within the control and selection of the image by the member to post. Steve P.S. How does one define Gray? But common sense and being safe and cautious about what you post shows a lot about you, so women don't cup your breasts and squeeze them together, and guys, standing sideways and thrusting your hips forward pronouncing that you have pieces parts, comes awfully close to giving the 'wrong' impression.

Remember, This thread is about "POSTING PICS WITH ERECTIONS" not WHY we get them....Keep to topic, and this thread conversation will stay in tact, to the point vs. becoming an out of control fire hose...spewing insults, name calling, derogatory or condescending remarks. Remember, you have to be at least 18 to be a member here....


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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

I'm asking this question again...I know someone has the answer.

I have a serious question about this...I PM'd a member a while back
about some pictures that appeared to be erections suggesting that he
might want to remove them. He is pretty old, and it occurred to me
later that it might be a penile implant. Would that cause a man to
appear to be erect all the time?

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

I don't buy it.... Bendable or inflatable, the person with implants still has control of whether presentation is erect or not, in addition, the CHOICE OF PICTURE TO post is STILL up to that person. There are transgenders here who crop pics and there are others with other personal, shall we say, alterations that they do not wish to pronounce.TheyDO do very well when SELECTING the PICS that they choose to display. Just because we're nudists, that DOES NOT MEAN that we have to post pics of our bits and pieces. Thus the reason there are threads here with discussions abouttextiled vs. nude pics. NUDE PICS OF PIECES AREN'T REQUIRED to be posted on this site.

On our profile, many of our nude pics don't present the below the waistline bits, but you can still tell and determine that we live a nude lifestyle. So it is possible to select imageswhere crotches aren'tpronounced and the 'bits' aren't the focus of attention.

The same social sensitivities in a nudist situation SHOULD NOT BE ANY DIFFERENT THAN A TEXTILED ONE! If there is for any reason a 'permanant state of erection' those that have them cover them up with appropriate dress when going out in public...

Again, it comes down to common sense...


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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

Why are there so many long and boring threads concerning erections. Can't you find a better subject? Or do you all love talking about stiffies?

I'm not much of a drinker, but I sure coulduse a good stiff drink right about now!


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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

Why are there so many long and boring threads concerning erections. Can't you find a better subject? Or do you all love talking about stiffies?

I'm not much of a drinker, but I sure coulduse a good stiff drink right about now!

Me, too! Think I'll go have one!

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

Why are there so many long and boring threads concerning erections. Can't you find a better subject? Or do you all love talking about stiffies?

I'm not much of a drinker, but I sure coulduse a good stiff drink right about now!

Me, too! Think I'll go have one!
I'll drink to that.

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

In the UK we have the "Mull of Kintyre test"!
I'm deadly serious! The British Board of Film Censors uses the angle of the Kintyre peninsula against the isle of Mull as a threshhold of what is permissible! Just take a look at the map of Scotland.
No wonder the Scots have an anally retentive attitude to nudity and Steve Gough. They must have real hangups about the western coastline!
Hugz, Will

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