RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

I agree, haven't we 'beat' this to death here? LOLSteve

"Now that there's funny...I don't care who ya' are!" Larry the Cable Guy

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

I think there must be something about the name Jen, and causes such women to create such excellent posts.

Yeah, what he said !

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

Iam onley back for the last 48 hours...

i guess one can run but cant hide...

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

Bman, maybe a break isnt such a bad idea.

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

I'll play the devil's advocate here. When I go to the gym to work out, I use the tredmill for 5 minutes to get a warmup. Sometimes when I run, my penis rubs against my shorts and I get an erection. I'm not looking at any females, or even have sex on my mind at the time. I didn't even want it. It just happens. I've never had an erection at a nudist resort (in fact it's quite difficult for me to there), however, that doesn't mean it won't happen one day. Although I can see where people might be "offended" by it. I say erections are fine as long as you're not making advances towards anyone, "stalking" someone around just to keep watching them, or in close conversational proximity to individuals. And as far as this "offensive" term is used, then I can turn it around and use it against these people who claim it to be. I take care of my body, and keep it healthy... as nature inetended it to be. So if these people want to take offense to something purly under a situational environment, then it's the same as me taking offense to someone who is grossly out of shape taking their clothes off in public. Maybe some people find that offensive. In any regards, I retract my above statement because we should all honor our bodies the way they are and accept each other. This won't happen until people have a more general understanding of erections. Again, (I guess this is my opinion) as long as someone isn't making advances, stalking, in close conversational proximity, or sexually pleasing themselves..... I think it's an okay bodily function. edit: My nude picture in my gallery might be taken as an erection, but I assure you it is not. My penis has different stages of where it wants to be. Sometimes I am a grower and severly shrunken and tiny, and other times it wants to a bit bigger. By no means is it an erection. Some people might mistake it to be, along with other people's pictures.
For crying out loud!


A Rude Problem.
A Taboo Subject

We KNOW, .... that that new guys, can, on rare occasions, get erections.

(If and when you have enough experience of a nude social environment, MOST guys become accustomed to the naked female form, and do NOT become aroused.

We KNOW, ..... Sun and wind can sometimes have an undesirable effect.

We KNOW, ..... that on these VERY rare occasions, they are most likely to be innocent.

What we DON'T know, is what is going on in the poor unfortunate victims HEAD!

THEREFORE, ..... It is only common decency, for the poor unfortunate victim, to have the good manners to respect the feelings and fears of those around him, and cover it from view until it subsides.

Posting photographs of it is an entirely different situation, in as much as, you have COMPLETE control over what you post.

It IS common knowledge that NOT everyone enjoys seeing it as much as you do, and may well be offended. Therefore it is also common decency and good manners, NOT to post it where others may accidentally view it, not to mention the FACT, ..... that it IS, AGAINST, the site TOS.

Let's start again!

Hi Dave, and welcome to the site.

There is now a lot of info here on the forums,
go here to learn your way around and get up to speed.

WELCOME! ..... to TN :) :) :) .....START HERE!

It's well worth investing a little time in learning how the site works,
to get the most out of it.

There are a lot of great people here.

Hope you will befriend a lot of them,
and have agreat timehere.

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How erect is an erection

Erectrions again TAKE1 SCENE 4572

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RE: How erect is an erection

Erections again TAKE1 SCENE 4572
I agree. It gets tiresome reading about this subject. The same answers are given over and over again. What do people not get about it. There are sites where erect pictures are acceptable, others like this where it is not. If you wish to show off go to one of the other sites and quit pestering TN with specious justifications. Information as to how to handle this rare occurrence is given constantly to people who fear that it will happen to them and probably never will and those who think it is a badge of courage or something to share with everyone in sight are told why it is not appropriate to do so. Then the same questions and/or justifications show up again almost daily. There are much more interesting things to discuss on this site besides erections ad nauseum. Just my 2 cents and I am finished talking about erections! End rant.

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

I took the photo when I was flacid, though some pics may look semi erect depending on the size of the penis. Some blokes have well endowered penis's but are not semi erect.

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

IMHO, when it's questionable, it's not appropriate. There are enough sites where sexuality is the norm. An erection in any stage should not be in evidence in a genuine nudist community.

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

IMHO, when it's questionable, it's not appropriate. There are enough sites where sexuality is the norm. An erection in any stage should not be in evidence in a genuine nudist community.

What Cheri said is exactly how I feel about it. This is not the place.

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