RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

I think after seeing a few of these similar topics the whole thing borders on retarded. Topics such as "What is an erection?" or "How dare you get one." With the average age of the men on this site being what it is, I say be greatful you still get them. In the case on being in public: Now I know that people bring thier kids to social nudist settings, if you overreact grabbing your child cluthing them close as you cover thier eyes and run screaming for the hills, they will think the world is ending. In short if you make it a big deal of the situation, to them it will be a huge deal. Instead you could try the" That's just happens to grownup boys and move on approach" because in 60 seconds the child will find something more interesting to do. Or you could, heaven forbid, do some parenting and sit your kid down and in very basic terms give the general jist of what's happened not making it a big deal of it, because once again in 60 seconds that child will find something more intresting to do. Now fellas just because your little buddy has decided to take his semi-annual strech, Don't arch your back pointing him around like the needle of a compus while you grin like a jackass. Just do what you would have done if he wasn't there.
I know this post went off topic but I wanted to tackle all the points of a hard topic straight up.
Hope you see my attempt at humor.

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

Here we go again about cock, penis, erection. When is this going to stop. I have not been on the site that long but this comes up way to many times. Either you get excited talking about your COCK or something else that may lead me to believe that you may need counseling on the subject.

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

And yet men keep clicking on it, This is the first time I saw this thread. If the men complaning about it had not clicked on it and clicked on it again and again. I never would have seen it. It had been viewed over 8700 times. I had to see why everyone was so interested.

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

? It posted twice.

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

this is my first ever post in a forum and it will be my last,
i come on to TN and enjoy reading the forums everyday,and yes i do read eveyone,
when TN was first put on the net, i am sure the owner didnt really expect it to be as big or popular as it has become and probably only americans would join,
TN has become a global site and we now have members from all over the earth,with this in mind and with differant upbringings,dont you think people should be more open to the fact that we all have differant views.
in america it seems to me that you may be indipendant but you still have a long ways to go before you accept the thoughts and rights of differant countries.
in america u see an erection as a bad thing ans sexual
in europe they see it as natural
in australia we see it as "you lucky barsted you can still get it up"lol
god made man and woman in his own image we are told
the human body is the most beautifull thing off all
who cares if a male gets an erection its only nature
we are human we are mamals on a planet with thousands of other animals
that revolves around a sun in a galaxy,
there are more important things to worry about than a stupid hard piece of flesh on a male human.
get a grip people.

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

It's an old thread.
Still, anything of value pretty much ended at post #5.
I'll refer any and all back to post #5 and leave it at that.

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

How about, play it safe, and show no degree of erection at all.

Simply put, I agree with that.

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

Tommy, that appears to be a boner in one of your profile pics. If it is, you might want to remove it.

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RE: angles

First request: this is my first ever post in a forum and it will be my last,
TN has become a global site and we now have members from all over the earth,with this in mind and with differant upbringings,dont you think people should be more open to the fact that we all have differant views. in america it seems to me that you may be indipendant but you still have a long ways to go before you accept the thoughts and rights of differant countries.
We have no argument with whatever the norm is in another country. That is NOT a justification for accepting it here, unless of course you agree that American standards shall be accepted "over there".
in america u see an erection as a bad thing ans sexual in europe they see it as natural in australia we see it as "you lucky barsted you can still get it up"lol
The issue that you whiners continue to ignore is that we have nothing against human sexuality, but this is a NUDIST website, NOT a sexual playground. Nudists are sexual beings, but at least in America, nudism is not about sex. Live with it.
god made man and woman in his own image we are told the human body is the most beautifull thing off all who cares if a male gets an erection its only nature
So is taking a dump. Do you do that in public? If so, anyone around you has my sympathy.
we are human we are mamals on a planet with thousands of other animals
If you want to live like other animals, be our guest.
there are more important things to worry about than a stupid hard piece of flesh on a male human.
We don't worry about it. We just don't allow such pics here. If you want to run around Tasmania naked with your willy at attention, that's your psychological problem. Don't post photos of it here.
get a grip people.
Your advice will be given all the attention that it merits.
Remember this, boy: this is a privately-owned and -operated US website. It is the property of a US citizen. It has a largely US membership. And it subscribes to US standards for nudism. If you don't like it here, you're free to find a site more in keeping with your tastes.
Im not a fxxxing boy
now i see the real yank in you
now i know why your divxxxd your wxfe couldnt put up with all the shxxt commin out of your moxxth
i only have pitty for you,you lonley old pathetic man.

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RE: how erect is an erection pic ??????

First request:this is my first ever post in a forum and it will be my last,

Wow, I hope this is not how everyone gets treated on this site. I just joined and I'm already worried about writing anything in the forums. I always thought nudist were nice and relaxed people. When you attack someone like this because of their opinion, it makes me wonder. I agree with what you said, I just dont agree with how you said it. He didn't say anything so wrong or perverted to attack him like that. It makes me wonder if I'm going to get attacked for writing this.

We are not all a-holes. Ignore the ones that are.

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