RE: Some nudity in public.......

  • .........I believe in full public nudity, I have never heard of anyone dropping dead from seeing a nude person, but and I am not picking on smokers for I did for years, but they allowed and still do permit public smoking and I am sure that is more harmful tou you than you seeing me nude ......Ruhl

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RE: Some nudity in public.......

If someone makes an ass of themselves because they see someone breastfeeding, everyone around them ought to tell them to grow up. The woman certainly shouldn't have to do anything different.

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RE: Some nudity in public.......

As Olly has already said there is indeed more freedom in places such as Germany, where public nudity is much more widely accepted. Even in England it is not illegal to be nude in public, although it is a bit of a legal minefield. I hope that society will become more accepting of naturism, but the challenge is that that will only happen if people who are already sympathetic make their voices heard.

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RE: Some nudity in public.......

Love this post by Campingbare; the best words to describe current public reaction to what was accepted as normal and healthy in the past is - fearful hysteria! The naked public body has become something to be feared, because of the evils it will lead to; healthy minded innocence has been lost; I am inspired by the world wide nude bike rides, but these are not universal my day boys showered naked together in change rooms, and then wore wonderfully brief they change in secret, and wear knee length shorts for swimming to render themselves modest to the point of absurdity...

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RE: Some nudity in public.......

Love this post by Campingbare; the best words to describe current public reaction to what was accepted as normal and healthy in the past is - fearful hysteria! The naked public body has become something to be feared, because of the evils it will lead to; healthy minded innocence has been lost; I am inspired by the world wide nude bike rides, but these are not universal my day boys showered naked together in change rooms, and then wore wonderfully brief they change in secret, and wear knee length shorts for swimming to render themselves modest to the point of absurdity...

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RE: Some nudity in public.......

I wish society would accept some nudity at least at some public places, I think public nudity needs to become gradually acceptable overtime instead of just allowing public nudity all together. I think public parks would be a great place to start, especially if there are water fountains in place for people to get wet. As one user said, public nudity needs to be practical, and to some extent in can be, it just takes careful thinking and planning by the right people in the right places at the right time. I have learned women are pretty good judges at flashing in public, so I'm confident they will help make public nudity more acceptable. I think public nudity would help peoples moods to, we might be more willing to smile and laugh, but with clothes on, that seems more uncomfortable and awkward, which seems totally opposite of the way it should be. lol.Sadly, I don't think we'll see this in any of our lifetimes. At least here in the U.S. the country is just getting more and more conservative. I think we're just going to have to be happy with our little places where we can get naked like resorts and beaches.

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RE: Some nudity in public.......

Sadly, I have to agree with you on that one. This country is becoming more like a dictatorship, especially with conservatives at the wheel. I cannot figure out what separates us from other countries who are more open with certain topics, such as nudism. I guess the first would be conservatives, but dang.
I really do hope we get always be naked, but until society begins to understand that a naked body is just a naked body, then we are going to have to make due with what we have.

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RE: Some nudity in public.......

I live in the US. I've noticed that my son and his friends are much more modest than I was at his age. They don't shower after gym class or sports, nor change in front of each other. He's never seen a single friend nude.

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RE: Some nudity in public.......

As others have mentioned in some European countries the attitude to public nudity is far more accepting, while others less so. Its not unusual to find a nudist area in public parks in German cities, its easier there to hike nude too. There's a nudist area on the banks of the Danube in Vienna, Austria is not far behind the German approach to public nudity from what I've experienced. I believe its still legal to be nude in most places in Spain, though I'm aware that there were moves to restrict this after complaints were made about some nudity in big cities.

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RE: Some nudity in public.......

Of all the countries I've visited, the USA would have to be the most prudish at present, and yet I know it didn't used to be that way. I don't know what happened, but it's a real pity.

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