RE: Chatty people...

Lack of vocabulary use is not limited to this site, it happens in all modes of networked typed conversation.I feel it all stems from the initiation of text messaging using mobile phones. Every thing is abbreviated and sparse in words to save typing and money as long winded text cost more if the character limit is reached,For my penny's worth, it frustrates me when you try and discuss a topic and the responses you receive back are, one liners or one word. Almost like talking to a dumb computer.Similarly I can't stand the one liner topics that are so prevalent on this site, to the extent I rarely read them.And from the posts below you can see Thomas needs to get a life. We don't need your constant harassment and trivial posts on here Thomas.
OR can't UNDERSTAND the one liner topics that are so prevalent on this site,

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RE: Chatty people...

Agree with your comment Kijad, that could be a reason for some people abruptness.
However I have had conversations with some whom I have known for some time and their mode of chat is almost always a minimal response
GET A LIFE THOMASS. What I wrote is what I meant. Also if you can't stay on topic why do you bother posting.
And for your info I have only blocked one user on the site. I'll let you guess who it is I blocked.

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RE: Chatty people...

I keep coming back to this thread to see if the OP has left his second comment on the forums...

And nope...
He can't be that chatty.

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RE: Chatty people...

I've also noticed a lot of one-word answers from people outside of the forums. I'm sure that a lot of people have reasons to be guarded or whatever - there are things I'm definitely guarded about. But I try to communicate that to people so they know what's going on. The whole one-word answer leaves me wondering why the person messaged me or sent me a friend request in the first place.

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RE: Chatty people...

    • I've also noticed a lot of one-word answers from people outside of the forums. I'm sure that a lot of people have reasons to be guarded or whatever - there are things I'm definitely guarded about. But I try to communicate that to people so they know what's going on. The whole one-word answer leaves me wondering why the person messaged me or sent me a friend request in the first place.
      ....I sometimes , text what?????????????????????

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