The term - Nude

Just wonder, what are the terms used as synonymous to nudity in different in English nudity, naked. Can we just see what are the other words in other languages?
And do we have a preference on words or we use it as it comes?
For example, I use "nude" more often than "naked".

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RE: The term - Nude

I use naked. I've always liked the sound of the word and I agree it is more stark clipped in tone. It must be the hard k sound. It's interesting that when I hear people pronounce it with a thick accent and say "nekkid"I love that too! Nude is classy. Nude has a soft beautiful tone and it is how we describe the unclothed human form in art and sculpture. It is a beautiful word. I just find I use naked more. "Starkers" is another word, used mostly in the UK, and although I never use it, I do like the sound of it. I remember one time many years ago I lived in an apartment with a big window where I had to walk by on my way between the bathroom and my bedroom. Someonewho knew full well I always sleptand hung around nakedtold me you must have to be careful when you're walking to or from the shower all "bollocky". Other than in British films when you might hear reference to bollocks I had never really heard it used, but I'm well read and a student of language and culture. I knew what it meant. I just smiled and said, yeah, I don't worry about it. I'm sure I've been seen many times walking by there bollocky.

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RE: The term - Nude

Naked is a state of being not clothed. Nude is more about human body or figure.

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RE: The term - Nude

I've always preferred "naked," but also use "nude."
I think I've read some people use the term skyclad. I've also heard of clothesfree.

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RE: The term - Nude

owo, brilliant!! Now i realise that whenever i talk to people about my naturism, i use "nude", which is very sophisticated, often used in art form. Naked or nekkid is hard, slightly raw.
sky clad is a beautiful word, translated from an indian word - Digambar. so we have
nude, naked, nekkid, bare, bare assed, clothsfree, bollocky, starker.

What about in other lanuages, apart from English?

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RE: The term - Nude

Vastraheen or Nagn in ancient Hindi language... and today's raw hindi... its simply.. Nanga... or Nangoo

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RE: The term - Nude

personally I feel the term nude can be best connected as " clothes free " , " being in birthday suit" , " natural state" :) as these words are positive and naturism is about being positive n being happy about yourself and the surroundings in the purest form

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RE: The term - Nude

For me "Nude" means being open and forthcoming without hindrance orinhibition. "Naked" means exposed for the taking without hindrance or interference. Thus "NUDE" is a giving state and "Naked" is a state of being unprotected. "Nude" is state of giving and Naked is a state of vulnerability. "Nude" is radiance not covered. "Naked" is stripped for inspection!Thus I prefer "Nude" to "Naked". But most English speaking persons use the terms interchangeably. I do not try to press my distinctions on the user but rather look at the context for any finer meaning of the word used.

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RE: The term - Nude

I've always preferred nude as it seems more in line with nudist thinking vs. naked that sounds more to me like someone is judging the state of being unclothed vs. clothed. Which term used is not especially important but when I hear naked it sounds more like being nude for the feeling or joy of it is not appreciated in our terms.

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RE: The term - Nude

It seems almost impossible today to find a word in English that has not taken on a negative connotation for our natural state.language evokes with society attitudes and we cannot help but feel that clothed is considered natural and anyone making a decision to remain in our natural state is somehow acting unnaturally.

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RE: The term - Nude

I hear you Aussiedain, It is like naked and nude are used and heard as the absence of covering, rather than the natural state. Rather than the word "clothing" being used as a verb to describe the action of covering up that which is naturally nude,"clothing" becomes the noun depicting some accepted and approved state of covering. Naked depicts absence and a negative state of clothing. Nude is uncovered and connotes the need to cover up. It is quite backward, not just from the perspective of a naturist, but from the perspective of natural reality.

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