Hang Out Nude

I am sure everyone likes to hang out nude here, BUT what is exactly hang out nude and what do we do when hang out nude? Should we always be nude when hang out with other nudists? What are we going to talk about when hang out nude? Sounds pretty basic questions.
Can we hang out clothed? When clothed, we can say let's grab some drink or food or watch a movie. We meet in public space or in house.
Did you join TN to "friend" with people who like to be nude or just to hang out nude with others. I am sure we like both. But, sometimes the idea of hang out nude destroys the opportunity to make friends with other nudists.
It is your choice: do you prefer to hang out nude or meet other nudists first and then after know each others you can hang out nude while doing something meaningful together. That's how friendship is built.
Either nude or clothed when we say let's hang out, we should have topic / plan what we are going to do while hanging out. Hang out nude is not a one night stand, but it is the time when all parties be together as friends AND naked. It is a process of building a friendship. It is not the climax.
Just saying.

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RE: Hang Out Nude

I would rather prefer to find friends with whom I can hang nude as well if the opportunity arises, with whom I am comfortable nude and they are the same but that should not be the ultimate goal. In my opinion, having nude friends with whom we have nothing else in common, are unable to connect otherwise and are only friends to hang nude leaves the relationship a little incomplete and difficult to maintain. I guess it is our desperation to have some nude time with a real person and the rare chances we get to do that, which pushes a potential friendship to just a nude encounter. Having a plan and some activity to do or topic to discuss will help to bring it back towards building a relationship.

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RE: Hang Out Nude

This is a difficult topic to discuss. There are vague sly nuances involved. Do you live to be nude. Or,are you nude to live. I enjoy being nude. But, I don't dance up and down... "Hey I am nude... Hey I am nude!" To "Hang out nude" without an established relationship or a purposeful activity... Is just "Hey I am nude" Its gawking at nude persons. Even if they are ourselves! People don't wear clothes just so they can be wearing clothes. No they are textiles doing something else and don't like to be naked. People don't go naked just so they can be without clothes. No they are nudists doing something else and don't like to be clothed. Nude is the way I like to do it. The nudity is the "WAY" not the "IT"! To hang out to do something and happening to be nude is great. You don't have to build a great edifice to be doing something. To hang out to discuss the songbirds on a warm summer's eve is a great activity. But I don'tinvite a stranger on the street corner to hang outlikethat because he is wearing my brand of jeans and a similar blue T-shirt . I'm not going to invite a stranger to hang out like that because he happens to be nude! I'm going to invite a friend who might enjoy those songbirds on a warm summer's eve and won't mind my being nude. I certainly won't mind he or she being nude!Nudity is the "WAY" not the "BEING".

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RE: Hang Out Nude

I consider myself a nudist simply because I prefer to not wear clothes. Being a nudist is only one aspect of who I am. I am a social person but not highly social. My friendships and social experiences need to be based on having similar interests besides being nude, just as most textiles do not hang out together just because they like wearing clothes. I prefer friends who are nudist, then friends who are accepting of clothing optionality, and then textiles. I also do things with friends who are anti-nudist, but I avoid telling them I am a nudist.

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RE: Hang Out Nude

Ilike tohang out nude when alone, or with other nudists or in a clothes-optional environment. Unfortunately that isn't as often as I would like. I'm usually surrounded by textiles. Although they all know I'm a nudist they prefer not to see me naked and I respect their feelings. And when I'm nude I behave in much the same way and do much the same things as I do when I'm clothed.

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RE: Hang Out Nude

I am a nudist. I like to be in nude whenever and wherever possible. At home I remain nude only when I am a,one because in my home I am the only nudist.
As far as hanging out nude with other nudists, I consider there should be something common, common interest, common thought process, common topic to be discussed etc. among the fellow nudists. Therefore I believe in making friends first and then hang out nude. The stage of making friends, if meeting people are involve, are always in textile and also in public places, home included.
Other way of making friends are through live chats, through emails, phone calls etc for a prolonged period to acquaint each other quite well. Next stage will be hanging out nude with all such friends.
When I visit any nudist resort or nudist beach, it is understood that everyone attending the event has something in common. Therefore the participants or co nudists may be strangers just before they first meet but have become friends immediately thereafter.

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