Naked in a hotel

I am staying in a hotel and being naked whole day. Not sure if i should
attend the housekeeping naked or not. Can I give it a try by just
keeping the door lock open and then accidentally they can open the door
and see me naked?

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RE: Naked in a hotel

why not put a robe on an leave it open. if housekeeping objects, just close it.

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RE: Naked in a hotel

I am staying in a hotel and being naked whole day. Not sure if i should attend the housekeeping naked or not. Can I give it a try by just keeping the door lock open and then accidentally they can open the door and see me naked?I think there is nothing wrong with doing this. This is your room as long as you are there. You can live in your room the way you wish to live. If someone enters and they are offended you can offer to wrap yourself in a towel. But if they are just surprised to see you naked and you apologize for the surprise or shock or discomfortperhaps they will adjust and be fine with it. I am never wanting to make anyone uncomfortable but I also don't think walking in and seeing a person nude is a negative or shocking thing.

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RE: Naked in a hotel

Nothing they haven't seen before (or a whole lot more).

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RE: Naked in a hotel

I am sitting naked in my hotel room as we speak. Window is open letting in the light as is the window in the room across the courtyard. No biggie!

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RE: Naked in a hotel

Went out naked in the corridor early in the morning. That gave me a kick. Love to take naked stroll.

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RE: Naked in a hotel

me too hv several exp staying naked in my exp hotel guys are quite comfortable abt nudity as they hv to handle all type of guests.u can proceed.....

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RE: Naked in a hotel

me too hv several exp staying naked in my exp hotel guys are quite comfortable abt nudity as they hv to handle all type of guests.u can proceed.....same as greffian. here in India, roomservice persons are rarely women. And I do take additional care that i do not stay nude if women come for RS.
My one trick, that always work well, is - I order something and went to have shower when it is expected to come. When the guy comes and knock the door i come out nude and in wet body, dripping water from all over. I ask him to keep it on my table, and try to look out for my purse. They get the hint that i am going to tip, so they wait.
And while tipping, i give a warm smile and say that dont mind...i stay nude mostly in room....
Till now, I never had a room service guy opposing, atleast 100 times i did it.

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RE: Naked in a hotel

I am staying in a hotel and being naked whole day. Not sure if i should attend the housekeeping naked or not. Can I give it a try by just keeping the door lock open and then accidentally they can open the door and see me naked?go ahead.. give it a go.. let us know how did it go :)

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RE: Naked in a hotel

I used to travel a lot for my job, so I'd spend a lot of time in hotels across the world. After a tough day at work, the first thing I'd do when back in my room was undress and spend the evening naked. Sometimes housekeeping would call, so I'd make sure I had a towel handy to wrap around myself, but once I twice they knocked and came straight in. Truth is, they are used to seeing people naked, so it's no big deal for them.

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RE: Naked in a hotel

In my experience most of the room service staff are men and the cleaning staff are women. Only once that I can remember was this different.If I order something and I am not in the shower I will look to see if the person is male and as is almost always the case, I open the door nude. If I am in the shower when he arrives I will step out wet and do exactly as Suhritnew describes. The one timethe service person was a woman,I stepped out of the shower just as she unlocked and opened the door. She saw I was nude as I was stepping out ofthe shower. I stepped out and hastily threw a towel around my waist as I went for money for a tip. She smiled, thanked meand went on her way. A couple of times with male service people we have had short chats about weather and local offerings. I have never had a problem with any room service person acting in anyway but thankful for the tip. I usually get big smiles from them and friendly reactions when I say I always enjoy spending my time nude in my room.

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