Cutting the lawn in the nude while the neighbor spys on me.

We have a relatively private yard with a big lawn. It takes approximately 2hrs to cut. In the summer when the wife and kids were up at the cottage and I was home alone I decided to cut the grass in the nude, back lawn only. I checked to see if there was anyone around first. Both of our neighbor's have cottages as well and spend most of the summer upat them. So I thought that I was free and clear. About an hr into it I stopped to have a drink andwhile in the kitchen I noticedthrough the window my neighbor peering through the shrubs. At first I panicked and considered what she might do if shewere offended, perhaps call the police or tell my wife. So I watched her for a while and realized that she was not going to leave the shrubs as long as my lawn mower was still sitting in the middle of the lawn. Sonow that I knew where she was I made sure that I was very visible for herand became aroused at the thoughtof havingan audience. I became semi erect and the sun and heat had me had fantasizing about my neighbor taking her clothes off and working in her yard.Because we never made eye contact she was unaware that I knew she was there. We have spoken since and it has never come up. To this day it remains our little secret.I'm thinking of doing it again next summer.

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RE: Cutting the lawn in the nude while the neighbor spys on me.

We currently have neighbors that I know have "spied" on me/us while we're in the backyard. Since we are always naked at home and in our backyard ... there's no question that they've seen us and have spied on us. My hope was that they wouldn't call the cops and I'd have to deal with that but they both seem to be quite friendly and non judgmental.
Some time passed and I know we'd been seen many times. We had our grandkids over and they were all in the pool. After showering outside and getting them inside for PJ's in preparation to return outdoors for Smores around the fire pit, I was out picking up the toys and pools floats. I noticed a light come on at the neighbors and looked up and there "she" was, topless, looking down at me. She quickly closed the shutters. I figured ... that was the end of the neighborly attitude but ... I was surprised that they both are still quite friendly.
I think the reason she/they are so tolerant of our nudity in our yard is that we just don't flaunt it. We go about our lives as though we were dressed and I think they understand it better. I just wish we could be a little bit more friendly toward one another and talk about it but ... I don't think they are those type of neighbors. No matter, as long was we can coexist without any drama.

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