Flash Update January 16th, 2015

Hello, every-BODY! It's been about two months since I last put my post. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a hopeful New Year. I also hope you made a New Year resolution for the new year of 2015.
The good news is our group now has four members. (That's right, you heard what I said, FOUR!) After me, we got a couple from California, USA, another couple from United Kingdom, and, recently, a handsome man from Norway! So let's give all of you in this group a big round of applause! (YAY!)
While this is good for all of us, our job is not done, because we still have most of every-BODY who still do not know about our group. Just in case you are new here, this group is for people who are current, prospectiveand former sperm donors, sperm recipients, egg donors, egg recipients, and surrogates. So if you are one of these people and you have not joined this group, I encourage you to join our group as soon as possible. You can make friends with many of these wonderful current, prospective and former sperm donors, sperm recipients, egg donors, egg recipients, and surrogates, plus you will have great time in here. If you know any-BODY who is also one of these people and he/she has not joined this group, please tell him/her about this group and encourage him/her to join this group. Your action can make a huge difference in our group.
This is all for the flash update. If you have any questions or concerns, send me a message and I will answer your questions as soon as possible.
Thanks for reading this post. Happy procreation!

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