Bell peppers

I got a red bell pepper plant toward the beginning of summer. I cut down the first pepper that grew because the other plant I have came with one grown and when I waited for a bigger pepper it rotted off. When subsequent pepper appeared on my larger plant I waited, still haven't had the second pepper. I'm told that if I just wait they will turn red. Does anyone have experience with bell peppers?

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RE: Bell peppers

If you wait long enough, it will turn red and get sweeter. It can take 3-4 weeks once developed, depending on type and conditions it is grown in. I have grown a few peppers, and have had fun with superhots like the ghost pepper as well.

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RE: Bell peppers

All mature bell peppers are red. The immature ones can be green, yellow or orange. I think it's worth it to wait for the red as it contains a lot more vitamins and minerals and yes, it is sweeter.

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RE: Bell peppers

Every time I wait for them to turn red the sun gets to them and burns a brown spot on them. So I just pick them green. I may need more fertilizer to get more leaves.They take so long to grow. When they start getting big Georgia is in the late summer drought.

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