Extra Clean & Soft Sack

So, over the festive period I was experimenting with creating my own manscaping lotions, potions and techniques. By pure fluke I cam across a little gem of a trick for my cock & ball sack. The discovery is the power of facial scrubs.I was about to do my usual weekly shave and tidy up as usual when I realised that I hadn't brought my body scrub in to the shower. I normally use the body scrub to prepare the area around my groin ie; thighs & stomach. It's far too abrasive to use on your shaft or scrotum. I spotted that I had some facial cleanser which had a gentle scrub in it so I thought I'd give it a try. I noticed that although it was raising the hairs around my groin etc, it wasn't painful or aggressive on the skin so cheekily massaged some in to my cock and balls. The feeling is actually very nice and you can really notice the dead skin cells being eradicated, but more importantly when I came to wet shave those bits, it was easier than ever. I was very impressed. So guys, next time you go to shave your mini me, grab a facial scrub and try it for yourself. I'd love to hear how you find it so please share your thoughts by replying to this thread or drop me a message if you prefer. Slight aside (as we are all grown men) it feels great too if you like me, like to masturbate in the shower after you've manscaped. The friction is exciting and stimulating. Steve

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RE: Extra Clean & Soft Sack

Nice post steve I love shaving and the lotioning up.Thanks Adam. I know what you mean. Have you tried or are you going to try the scrub suggestion?

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