It's 5:30 AM...

...I'm butt naked, holding a flashlight and a pooper scooper, and a cup of coffee, walking around the back yard watching the dogs poop. Am I the only one that does this? Ya'll have a good day!

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RE: It's 5:30 AM...

...I'm butt naked, holding a flashlight and a pooper scooper, and a cup of coffee, walking around the back yard watching the dogs poop. Am I the only one that does this? Ya'll have a good day! Gator1

Gator, as much as I love dogs, that's why I have a cat!


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RE: It's 5:30 AM...

...I'm butt naked, holding a flashlight and a pooper scooper, and a cup of coffee, walking around the back yard watching the dogs poop. Am I the only one that does this? Ya'll have a good day!Gator1

You are very talented! get yourself a head lamp and free up that third hand. unless the flash light is in your mouth, but then what is the coffee for?


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RE: It's 5:30 AM...

I too have cats as well as a husband. Neither has to be walked at O'dark:30. :)

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RE: It's 5:30 AM...

5:30 am is there such a time, an if there was the dog would be on his own...

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RE: It's 5:30 AM...

Wow...this was fun! In truth, I'm up that early mainly I like to sit and read TN and drink coffee before I have to get ready for my gravy-train job! I like my relaxed time in the A.M. And, since I love my two puppies, they get to be first. I do like it when my sweet wife has the coffee made before I get up though, so I can grab a cup on the way out the door.
Thank ya'll for sharing this thread with me!

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RE: It's 5:30 AM...

I have 4 permanant great danes and two that we are fostering. Scooping is a 1 hour ordeal and not a pleasant one either. Im not starting my morning off like that.

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RE: It's 5:30 AM...

I have 4 permanant great danes and two that we are fostering. Scooping is a 1 hour ordeal and not a pleasant one either. Im not starting my morning off like that.

uh....WOW! I can't imagine what that is like! I feel your pain!

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RE: It's 5:30 AM...

Good one Gator !!!!!! I just let my "boy's" out and stand in my heated garage with my coffee and watch them.....As far as the poop????? The snow covers it !!!!!! lol


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RE: It's 5:30 AM...

...I'm butt naked, holding a flashlight and a pooper scooper, and a cup of coffee, walking around the back yard watching the dogs poop. Am I the only one that does this? Ya'll have a good day!Gator1
naked=not a problem
flashlight=not a problem
pooper scooper= hmmmmmm
walking around naked picking up poop= welll hmmmmmmmm
only one doing it= not so fair
5:30AM= now that's a problem...yuck

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RE: It's 5:30 AM...

...I'm butt naked, holding a flashlight and a pooper scooper, and a cup of coffee, walking around the back yard watching the dogs poop. Am I the only one that does this? Ya'll have a good day! Gator1

That's too much excitement (and other stuff) for me. Enjoy yourself!

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