Nudist Lady Wants to Meet Nudist Gentleman.

Hi, I have a nudist lady friend who is interested in dating a nudist male. She wants and needs a buffer so she doesn't get inundated by a lot of nuts, flakes and pervs. Sheonlywants to hear from serious respondents. That's why we are trying this method.DesertRat

Single White Widowed female nudist seeking SWM nudist for adventure, companionship and possibly a long term relationship. I am 4' 7", in my early 50's and have a good figure and appropriate weight. I live in the Phoenix AZ area and love it here so I don't want to move but I love to travel. Serious respondents only. Must be a nudist and have proof of nudist activities. Solo nude pics at home don't prove that you are a nudist.

Reply to this thread and tell her about yourself. She'll check your profile and, if interested, we'll get back to you. Therefore, we'd advise that you completely fill out your profile andopen up so it's available for all to see.

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RE: Nudist Lady Wants to Meet Nudist Gentleman.

Thanks Bruce. She has had some pretty wild experiences on other sites that are designed for nudists to meet nudists. She won't go to any site on her own because of the nuts.

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RE: Nudist Lady Wants to Meet Nudist Gentleman.

This deserves to work - just bumping it up.

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RE: Nudist Lady Wants to Meet Nudist Gentleman.

why does it have to be an nudist how about an gamer an brony. an treky. he does not have even have to be nudist he just has to be naked. this aint rocket science

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RE: Nudist Lady Wants to Meet Nudist Gentleman.

why does it have to be an nudist how about an gamer an brony. an treky. he does not have even have to be nudist he just has to be naked. this aint rocket sciencewtf

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RE: Nudist Lady Wants to Meet Nudist Gentleman.

4'7"????Exactly! She's a small package. Her husband, now deceased, was 6' 2".

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RE: Nudist Lady Wants to Meet Nudist Gentleman.

This is interesting. Normally a single woman on this site is inundated with offers from "single males" for all kinds of exciting adventures. This post has been up for almost 4 days and not a peep from all those great lovers. I guess that they are really showing their true colors and I believe that their color is brown. That's what they're full of; male bovine brown stuff.

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RE: Nudist Lady Wants to Meet Nudist Gentleman.

Probably best to go to a place like Glen Eden where there is a good mix of singles and couples of all ages. There are also many activities always going on there.It really is important to share more then just nudism if any kind of meaningful relationship is to develop.

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RE: Nudist Lady Wants to Meet Nudist Gentleman.

liking what you're doing Rat. Bumping this up. Also be happy to meet you both some day as real people are hard to come by.

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RE: Nudist Lady Wants to Meet Nudist Gentleman.

Hey, it works. Got a reply from a very nice gentleman who replied directly to me. I connected him to the lady and now things are in her hands. Any other nice gentlemen who'd like to apply. This may be exactly what you're looking for.

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RE: Nudist Lady Wants to Meet Nudist Gentleman.

The cynics on this site never ceases to amaze me. And as others have said , had the woman posted herself she would have been unindated by the hordes offering goodness knows what, but when she uses a mediator there is hardly a murmur.
Well done DR.
Would have applied myself but wrong country and I am already spoken for.
Cheers wishing your friend all the best DR.

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