Nudist or exhibitionist?

We all know how great it is being naked, even more so when with other nudists. I've always said that if I want to look at other nudes I should let them see me - a quid-pro-quo. And I do like to look at others in the nude, both men and women. But, as a close second best, I don't really mind those around me being clothed as long as I can be naked. I fund the vulnerability (with nothing to hide) so very liberating. Yes I'm an exhibitionist too.

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RE: Nudist or exhibitionist?

I'm primarily a nudist, I'm nude whenever and wherever I can be, like you Olly I'm OK with being the only one naked too. I'm naked because that is how I prefer to be, I'm more comfortable and relaxed when I'm nude, there is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about being a nudist. If people look at me while I'm naked I don't mind, its part of being a social nudist. I don't consider nudists to have private parts, we don't emphasise certain body parts like textiles do when they wear skimpy clothing that draws attention to the few bits they always cover up in public. We're free of that sort of confusion, its liberating to have our bodies free of those textile ideas and regard all of our bodies as public.
I also enjoy seeing nudists, I'm straight but male and female nudists are both far more interesting to see than a textile constricted in clothing. I agree with you that being looked at while nude is fine, especially when I look at other nudists. Some might see this as exhibitionism, I look at it as nudists enjoying both their own and each others nudity. In my mind exhibitionism has more of a sexual tone to it than straightforward nudity. A textile might regard us as exhibitionists though, while I regard nudity as a normal way to be. To me whether I see an elbow, hip, penis or breast it makes no difference, I welcome all body parts being freely visible, equally so all of me is in view as much as possible, social nudism is wonderful. However if a penis is erect that can take things beyond straightforward nudism and into exhibitionism, but that is not the sole indicator of one thing rather than the other in my view.
Recently a group of us had a barbecue at a local nudist beach. We started about 5 pm, as the sun went down a few others started putting on bits of clothing to stay warm. By the time the sun had sunk below the headland there were just two of us still nude, we were both comfortable and felt very much at ease with our clothed nudist friends in a similar way to how I imagine you mean when describing being the only one naked. A few beach walkers gave us slightly quizzical looks but that was the only reaction we got. We were nude because we could be and both wanted to extend the freedom of nudity for as long as we could. I mention this as I regard this as us just being nudists, our friends did comment on that we were both still naked at about 9 pm, but that was all they said. Outsiders may have seen us as exhibitionists, I saw it as a group of nudists happily sharing a barbecue in a clothing optional situation, none of us cared who was naked or dressed, or halfway in between. We'd all spent many hours nude in each others company previously, we recognise each other far better when we're naked.

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RE: Nudist or exhibitionist?

The idea that you have to be a "little bit exhibitionist" to enjoy social nudity is one that is pervasive in the textile world. It may be true for some people, but certainly not always. For some people it's more about acceptance and respect.

My wife started out at C/O resorts. Her preference then was to tan and swim naked; but remain covered outside the pool area. So the socialization that occurred for her were either naked in the pool area - while sitting down or in the pool/hot-tub; or covered up outside the pool area - while doing activities.
Then, during our resort travels, we (accidentally) ended up at an "all nude" resort. Unlike the C/O resorts we were used to, people were naked inside and outside of the pool area; and my wife found herself interacting with nude people - while herself being covered up. That made her feel that she was "hiding" from them, and not "fitting in" very well.
We returned to the same resort the following year, and this time my wife went with a "nothing to hide" attitude (unbeknownst to me at the time). After we checked in, she made the decision to stay naked in - and out - of the pool area. Hanging out "full frontal" nude in front of other people was very new to her at the time; but it also made sense that if the people we interacted with were naked, she should "level" with them and be naked in front of them as well. It's about respect and acceptance. "You're naked in front of me; so I'm going to validate your nudity by relating to you in the same naked state."

My wife (as I) now prefers completely nude interactions when in a nudist setting. Does that mean we WANT other people to see us naked? It's a bit more nuanced than a "yes or no" response. "Being seen openly naked" is an affirmation that we are there to fully participate in the nudist experience, and a "signal" to other nudists that we are on the same level as them; as we are not hiding anything from them.

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