i feel very emotionally close to god when i'm nude.
don't you? it helps me feel so connected.
- 10 years ago
I do also especially when I'm showering - enter the shower after making a brief examination of conscience and pray for forgiveness as I cleanse and rinse myself. Don't get me wrong I still go to reconciliation but these mini - cleansing sessions help me tremendously.
- 7 years ago
Capital G for God is the standard . But I get your main point. I'll try to work it in with future showers. Sounds like a continuing Baptism!
- 5 years ago
There were a few times last year that I was able to pray before the tabernacle while nude. Closest I ever felt to the Lord.
Where were you able to do that?
- 5 years ago
After all we need to remember that God made us like that (naked) and as the Bible tells ....God used to visit Adam and Eve who used to be naked.
To be naked is our natural form of existence. God made us like that and He loved to meet humans like that. I am sure He still likes us in the same way.
However when Adam and Eve became aware of their nakedness they felt ashamed (I still do not understand Why they felt ashamed) ....I personally feel it would have been OK if God saw you naked ... (big deal) (why so much fuss about being naked).
When we go and pray to God in nude I think it is so genuine and real to feel connected.
Please comment and share your opinion.
- 5 years ago
At one point, l really wanted to know how God felt about nudity, so l decided to have an ernest prayer in the nude. It was my first time presenting myself naked before God. I felt a peace and acceptance l had never felt before. God knew what l look like nude. God created me. My nude body is no big deal to Him. I felt t no shame, and felt closer to him than ever before. Now I always get undressed for prayer).
- 5 years ago
I do feel closer to my God when I strip away all clothing and walk around in my own home and out backyard. I love walking in nature. I feel peaceful with in my heart and so right. Peace Michael.
- 4 years ago