Would you be comfortable?

Being nudist we all have more comfort with our bare bodies than the textiled world. That being said. Would you be comfortable as a " nude extra" on a set of a movie or tv show? I am not talking about a porn movie, but rather a mainstream movie or tv show thatneeds bare bodies as background. Gym changing room, Prisoner of war, or even a comedy set in a nudist resort etc.
Think about the actual process it takes to make a movie, multiple takes, a big crew behind the scenes. You know that long listof titles that scroll by at the end of the movie. Even though you bare ass might only be one of many for a few seconds on the screenthat might be a result of hours of being nude on the set. Also the make up artist might have to touch you up to add to the realism.
I for one would love to be a nude extra in a movie. What about the rest of you? Any of you ever got to be that part?Not sure I would pass for a starving POW or a guy that works out at the gym often, but hey if a producers needs an average middle aged guy to be nude I am there.

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RE: Would you be comfortable?

Being a body double for Michael Douglas in Basic Instinct would have been good. I had to turn the part down, my wife didn't like the idea of me making love to Sharon Stone.

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RE: Would you be comfortable?

Certainly would be. On a nudist beach in the UK dressed people had their cameras out, I just carried on strolling around it's normal for me to be naked.

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RE: Would you be comfortable?

Yes. I've done artists' modelling, which is somewhat similar. And as a movie extra, you probably wouldn't be the only nude one on the set.

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RE: Would you be comfortable?

I think it would be fun! You can work on your tan between takes...

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RE: Would you be comfortable?

Years ago, I had the lead in a nudist play. Recently, I have been an extra in an HBO series (clothed). Agents may contact me, here, for film work. LOL

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RE: Would you be comfortable?

Yes, I'd love to do it.I've done a lot of background work in movies and TV productions and I loved it. When you learn the ins and outs of the business, you can get some prime background roles. Hint: You don't want to be part of a cattle call where there are 100's of extras. The work is easy, the pay is good but the hours are long. If you're only one of a few extras on the set, you may get to eat with the crew and enjoy the craft services. When there are a lot of extras, lunch may consist of a brown bag with a dry sandwich, a piece of fruit and a bag of chips. The cast and crew have hot meals, and usually a never ending snack table which includes fresh fruit, vegetables and dips and goes all the way to fresh Danish and donuts.Like other cast and crew members, background players are on a variable pay scale. I never auditioned to any production that offered meals and experience as the only compensation. I have done no pay for screen credit and a copy of the final production. Sometimes groups are recruited such as senior citizens clubs or nudist groups. The pay in these cases might be a donation to the club with no money going to the individuals. This is risky for the production because people getting no pay may become bored and leave the set. (Many people getting paid often get so bored that they leave the set also.)Featured background are people with special talents and abilities are paid more. Riding a horse or playing an instrument, swimming in a pool pays more. Some of the highest pay for background extras goes to nudists. I know of one football player who received $1500. for showing his bare butt in a locker room scene. Many of the featured roles are cast through agents because there is enough money involved to pay the agency fees and it takes a load off of the background casting director.Although there might be a lot of glamor in movie work the following statement is more often true than not. Question: On a movie set, how is a potted plant different from a background actor? Answer: They give the potted plant water.

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RE: Would you be comfortable?

I think it would be fun. Though if you are the only extra that is nude, then it might be awkward.But usually between takes, actors are given robes. Not always for their shyness, but for the comfort of the crew.
Stay Naked!

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a nude extra story

I heard a tribute on public radio about a Hollywood casting agent who had passed away. He was so good athis job that once when the plot called for a double amputee to crawl nude across the ground he found someone to do it.

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RE: a nude extra story

The OP's question raised an interesting thought in my mind.
There are those on this site that have expressed fear of being captured , nude,
on someones cell phone or camera while engaged in innocent nudist
activities such as swimming or sunbathing. This fear stems from the extremely remote
possibility that the photo would be posted on the internet and be seen by
someone that they know.

Since nudity is now commonplace in motion pictures as well
as cable and even network TV shows; in this star struck society,I wonder how these same people would react
if approached by a casting director to appear nude in one of those productions
which would be viewed by millions. In short, is it OK to be seen nude in the
mainstream media as a paid actor yet shameful to be photographed while enjoying
regular nudist activitiy which is not understood by the general public.

I for one, am comfortable being nude anywhere that it is
legal and my nudity would offend no one.

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RE: a nude extra story

i agree good thoughts. thanks for sharing

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