Interesting reading for members of this group

From the American Chronicle
Why Should Public Nudity Be Illegal?
Whym Rhymer
June 22, 2007

In 1992 New York State's highest court ruled that it was legal for a woman to go into public without covering her breasts. Many people have derided that decision -- most calling it immoral -- and by most moral standards they are probably right. In most places in the world, covering your body is considered as important, if not more important, than cleaning your body. So in New York, in spite of a law that allows it, the overwhelming majority of women do not bare their breasts in public. Why? Two reasons: The main reason is because women have been taught since childhood that exposing their breasts is embarrassing, sinful, immoral and, in general, "unladylike." The second reason is that most citizens of New York -- including police officers -- have no idea that it is perfectly legal for a lady to bare her breasts in public.
Case in point: Two years ago, a 27-year old New Yorker, Jill Coccaro took a walk without covering her breasts. She was arrested, taken for a psychiatric exam, and thrown in jail for 12 hours. Finally, after someone in the District Attorney's office realized what had happened, she was released and told no charges would be pressed. In turn, Jill sued the city and, just recently, received a $29,000 settlement.
Don't try this outside of New York! Anywhere else in the country you will likely have to pay dearly for your 'nature walk.'
The questions this issues raise are: Is someone being victimized by a pair of breasts? Is a lady endangering anyone's life or destroying anyone's property by shedding shirt and bra? These are, of course, rhetorical questions and the answer is: course not! So if no one or nothing is damaged by a pair of exposed breasts, why should it be illegal anywhere for a lady to walk around with her breasts exposed. Might this be frowned upon by those who object to the practice, yes! Might a topless lady be subjected to social castigation, certainly! A topless lady will certainly not be allowed in many places of business and that's fine; but to be incarcerated and fined for exposing your breasts -- that's ludicrous.
Our legal system is supposed to protect us against people who want to, or in some cases unintentionally do, harm our persons or our property; the legal system should not be misused to enforce social taboos! There are many things I don't like to see -- and I'm sure there are many things you don't like to see; some of these things may just upset you and some may deeply offend you -- but should they all -- or any of them -- be made illegal?
In this case, we're talking about the human body. Hey, everyone has one and they all basically look alike except for gender differences. If you don't like to look at a naked or partially naked human body, YOU may be the one with the problem and if you teach your children that they should be ashamed of their body you're passing that problem on to the next generation.

On your next vacation, I would suggest a week in a naturist facility or, as some call it, a nudist camp; by the end of the week you will have an entirely new perspective.

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RE: Interesting reading for members of this group

Thank you Art. Very good food for thought. I didnt know about the NY law. I wonder just how many people take advantage of their freedom to do so.

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RE: Interesting reading for members of this group

i have read about ny in the past and wonder why more women don't take advantage but i also realize that if a women went to a park and removed her top she would probably be surrounded by a ton of men, its a shame that we Americans can't accept nudity like they do in Europe and sadly i don't think it will ever happen.

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No Nudes is Good News

From the Wilmington Star News. April 2009
Despite the title of the article, no one quoted seemed to mind the nudist's activities. A member of the county board responsible for the enforcement of the anti-nudity law stated that they received correspondence in support of the nudists.

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Clothe the animals

I have included an excerpt from a website which details an elaborate hoax. Hillarious on the surface, yet, sad to think that so many believed that the organization was real and actually supported its goals. Maybe we nudists need a good hoax to get our message out there. Ideas anyone?
Alan Abel formed a tongue-in-cheek crusade whose mission was to clothe all naked animals for the sake of decency. It was called S.I.N.A. or the Society for the Indecency to Naked Animals. The campaign slogan was "a nude horse is a rude horse."
Alan and his wife, Jeanne, would go out picketing together. They traveled to the White House and held signs out front pleading with the Kennedys to cover their horse's private parts.
Wearing a deadpan expression, Abel went on numerous television and radio shows to promote S.I.N.A. He hired his friend, Buck Henry, to play the part of S.I.N.A.'s president, G. Clifford Prout, and together they duped such major TV programs as "The Tonight Show," the "Today Show" and the "CBS Evening News" with Walter Cronkite.
The media frenzy carried over to the public. While some became outraged, others eagerly joined in on the march to clothe every horse, cat, dog and cow.
S.I.N.A. was actually a satirical commentary on censorship. It poked fun at the true moral maniacs who were banning books and records during that time period.
In 1963, five years after it began, Time Magazine finally blew the whistle on the S.I.N.A. campaign.

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A hoax of our own

Maybe we nudists need a good hoax to get our message out there. Ideas anyone?/span

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RE: A hoax of our own

An animal would excrete in it's pants.

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RE: Interesting reading for members of this group

One of the problems we have in NY is that even though the law was overturned by the appellate court it is still on the books. A few years ago some friends of mine went topfree in a store and while the local police declined to do anything about it the county sheriff hauled them away. Eventually no charges were made but it took a long time and cost them a hefty legal fee. Just because something is not illegal does not mean it is a good thing to do.

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