RE: Nude Yoga

I know this thread is old, but I haven't given up on having nude yoga classes in/around Madison. I will finish my 200hr yoga teacher training in June. I have 2 modules left to take through YogaFit. I have taught about a dozen or so clothed classes thus far. When I looked 2 years ago, it was impossible to find a place to rent for the purposes of nude yoga. Whenever landlords hear nude they think you are running a strip club or brothel.

I am planning to release online classes through OnlyFans or something similar. I have also started a website, . If you could visit and fill out the questionnaire about nude yoga classes it would be greatly appreciated.

Also, if anyone is interested in hosting nude yoga classes at their place please send me a private message.

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RE:Nude Yoga

I want to do this let's do it

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