First time publicly naked

i recently had the urge to be naked and "free". I'm not entirely sure what came over me. I was driving down a quite local country lane, pulled over, took my clothes off and got out of the car. I could see if any cars were approaching from a mile off. I was full of adrenaline and decided to walk quite some way.
Ever since then I've had a constant urge to do the same thing.
Has anyone ever had this? Would anyone like to join me in my new adventure?
I'm male, 27 and from Essex.

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RE: First time publicly naked

Welcome aboard! Hope that you enjoy the site.
That is a great first step!

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RE: First time publicly naked

James, Sounds like you are a true nudist. Bet you'll also start spending a lot of time around the house being nude. That is rather normal for a newbie so welcome to our world. Why don't you spend some time and fill out your profile. It's the best way that we can get to know one another. It will also help you to find people in your area that you can have nude times with. A whole world of new friends is out there waiting to meet you.

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