True friends

I like to get to know fellow nudists and am glad I've made some friends here on TN. Some have become close face-to-face friends, ones I can go on holiday with. That's the richness of friendship on TN - we can take it to whatever level we are both comfortable with.

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RE: True friends

I like to get to know fellow nudists and am glad I've made some friends here on TN. Some have become close face-to-face friends, ones I can go on holiday with. That's the richness of friendship on TN - we can take it to whatever level we are both comfortable with.
Hay Grumpy. I am too,Jim, in NW Florida. Retired military, well traveled. Into scuba diving, emergency medicine and disaster Response, 1st responder. Home nudists now, not forever. I'm always open to new friends.::bb::

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RE: True friends

Hi Chuck. I just met another great lot of nudists on the British Naturist holiday in Lanzarote.

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RE: True friends

    • I like to get to know fellow nudists and am glad I've made some friends here on TN. Some have become close face-to-face friends, ones I can go on holiday with. That's the richness of friendship on TN - we can take it to whatever level we are both comfortable with.
      .....I don't believe you are glad i'm your friend, most ppl want to kill me after a year , stay naked my friend.................Ruhl

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