Skinbook selling out naturist principles. Act now!
There are many reports and rumours persisting that Skinbook has sold out all naturist principles to furnish the media interests of the owners. For those of you who have read them, the following circular to their members may interest you and even be conclusive.
Who are the Kings and Queens of Skinbook?
Well our new "Member Rank" feature is here to tell us just that. Check it out now to vote for your favorite Skinbook members!
So far topping the charts:
Current King: Brian (
Current Queen: Ceejay Blackberry (
Current Couple: Wayne & Lee (
Where do YOU place? Check out the current chart by clicking here!
Visit Skinbook at:
Member rank? Abject body-elitism; proving Skinbook is at this moment in time NOT a naturist/nudist network!
There is no place for this shallow, vulgar sleaze in naturism. Our lifestyle has no elite, no favourites. Under all previous Skinbook regimes, such an attitude in any member was not tolerated. Now it is the owners who are trivialising nudism. How long before Skinbook
becomes a top-shelf girlie e-magazine?
All this at a time when the owners are removing all true naturists from membership.
The eminence grise is money. The site has made no attempt to hide the fact that they are after funding. This is fair; the lifestyle needs funding. Alas, the money-media they are targetting are far more likely to be seduced by a low-intelligence tawdry image than by genuine naturism. Cue the above patronising rubbish!
Skinbook is the largest online naked member site and this incarnation will be wrongly seen by mainstream society and the media as the true face of naturism. I am certain the owners are not immoral; they are just showing complete lack of judgment. However Skinbook has sold out naturism.
I call on all Skinbook members in the True Nudists network to lobby the Skinbook owners on naturist principles and to object most strongly.
Please do not just leave the network or you will simply hand over the corpse of our lifestyle to the gutter element, the waiting opportunist predators.
Please act now for the sake of naturism and its image in the outside world.
This is NOT a rant against Skinbook. This is an act of true nudist defence against the most dangerous enemy nudism has faced for decades, simply because it
is within. Also it is also addressed only to our members who already partake in Skinbook.
Nevertheless, if this is not repelled by everyone within our lifestyle,
then within a few years the gradual illegalisation of nudism is
inevitable, on mainstream society's premise of, "I told you so!". Skinbook is sacrificing nudism's entire worldwide image for its own
financial gain. Anyone censoring this out of widespread nudist knowledge will be
unwittingly aiding and abetting them.
How? Because Skinbook has the ear of mainstream society and the mass media. Hence they are in a
position to brainwash the establishment. Hiding the issue under your
argument would be self-destructive.
Skinbook is TWICE AS BIS AS TRUE NUDISTS. Thankfully most of its membership mis peripheral. However this needs everybody here whio is already a member osf the site to mobilise! I am mcettain they will! Only those with a personal interest in Skinbook's strategy would surely avoid this.
So, how do I get this message to ALL True Nudists memebers then if not
by public forum?
(snip)Current Queen: Ceejay Blackberry (
Will, this female was banned. She is nothing more than a @#(*&). It's a shame that a site that had promise has fallen to less than genuine values. I have removed my "alter ego" from there and as my parting shot Under "what are you doing now mentioned that there were better sites such as this one. Then I left but kept my content there. :)
We have enough issues here to keep us busy keeping this site clean.
If members here wouldput as much emphasis into TN as you're suggesting they do on the other site, then this one will stay more in line with true nudism. Or you can just send them all out to take care ofother sites instead. Sounds like bad foreignpolicy to me. Shall we continue to mentionadditional sites that originally claimed to be nudist sites at one time and went awry?
I really don't care how large they are, as they deteriorate, their membership will go by the wayside. Chances are much of their membership is inactive or doesn't take an active role in the growth of the site. As a matter of fact there are more members registered here than there, As Rabbitnbunny said, bad press or not, it's still press for another site.
So, please, before you petition members to support other sites, do your part to petition the members here, to do what they need to do to keep this site as a TRUE NUDIST site.