Post #2nudegeorgeToplessfrom nudegeorge of NJ/NYC areaaol/yahoo: nudegeorge RE: In NYC 19-23 AprilNude Beach at Sandy Hook aka Gunnison in Nude Jersey if you have a carThere is also a Ferry from downtown Manh. Sea Streak but I never tried it
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RE: In NYC 19-23 AprilI think it maybe too cold to be hanging out at Gunnison the days you are in NYC. The weather we are having, I would not be suprosed if we got snow. Not many nudist things going on in the city that never sleeps. Which is surprising. Maybe someone in this group will come up with something.
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RE: In NYC 19-23 Aprilgood luck with finding any nude activity in THE NAKED CITY.
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RE: In NYC 19-23 AprilThanks for all the replies - seems a bit bleak for nudists ......
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