A few years ago I was spending a sunny day at Fraternity Snoqualmie nudist club. It is halfway up a small mountain and at the top of the mountain is a hot spot for hang gliders. We never worry about them because they fly and land onanother side of the mountain. Even if they could see us we would be specks on the ground, so we don't give it a thought.
Well it was it was in the afternoon, lot of people getting sun on the lawn and a bunch of us in the hot tub. A hang glider decided to push it and flew over the club. Bad choice....he lost the wind, down he came, did a circle 10' over the hot tub and landed in the lawn.
Cracked me up watching that. There he was, on his back, with a large group of naked people in a circle looking down on him. Wonder what went thru his mind at that moment?

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