Enjoy it?

I live alone and believe it or not, I like housework. I like to clean the floors do the laundry, have a dish washer, but never use it, Love to cook and try new recipes, dust the furniture, do repair work, and whenever possible do it in the nude. My neighbor is single and complains all the time about having to do the same things. I can't understand why. I have a girlfriend and she doesn't understand why I don't use my dishwasher, but prefer to do the dishes by hand. I like it. Anyone else out there as crazy as me?

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RE: Enjoy it?

i love my dishwasher and the greatest invention since the toilet lol, seriously if you like to wash by hand enjoy but i'm a fan of modern convience. not long ago the dryer clunked out and i waited around for a good sale which meant hanging the clothes on the line outside to dry, darn our ancestors had it ruff.

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RE: Enjoy it?

We own a motorhome. We clean that in the nude too! Since we live nude as close to 24/7/365 as we can, when we have other "housework" to do, like the motorhome , after we use it, we always ensure that we are able to clean in while nude. Sometimes, if there's the inability to do so while it's parked on the street in front of our home, we'll pack up our supplies and head to the club, which is only 30 mins away. We rent a full hook up spot for the day and clean the inside and out. That's the most fun ... keeps us from slipping on something to get from the motorhome to the house or garage. :D

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RE: Enjoy it?

I do everything nude at home. I love the feeling of freedom and ease of movement that it gives.

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RE: Enjoy it?

I do all my housework in the nude, especially ironing (all my clothes are in the wash). Sometimes I've had to do it clothed and I just get too hot.

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RE: Enjoy it?

Getting the house ready for company on Sunday. Not only have we been doing naked housework but we have been doing naked backyard work. Getting the pool, hot tub, pool deck, patio all cleaned up for visitors on Easter. And ... you know what? We've ENJOYED it immensely! ;-)

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