Green leaves are sprouting

Here in the Midlands of SC, anenome leaves as well as tulip leaves are sprouting. This means warmer weather and great gardening days are on their way.

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RE: Green leaves are sprouting

Down here in Texas, the growing season has just about started and I'm in the process of transplanting tomatoes, peppers, planting beans, and replenishing flower beds. Unfortunately, it'll stop by about the end of June because of the extreme heat. We'll just love the next 3 months.

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RE: Green leaves are sprouting

Early tulips have started to bloom as well as hyacinths. It's gorgeous.

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RE: Green leaves are sprouting

Here in Texas, I have corn, cucumbers, beans, peas, squash, tomatos,and cantaloupe already up. The wildflowers are in full bloom and the trees are alreay full of leaves. I have pics on my profile of some of the flowers. Here is a pic taken over a month ago while I was getting my garden ready to plant.

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RE: Green leaves are sprouting

trees are all spouting leaves and flowers are blooming along with the pollen , need to get some vegetable plants into the ground...

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RE: Green leaves are sprouting

All the decidsetting up for spring
uos trees have lost their leaces and the seeds are slow to sproit but the soil is doog for

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