nude house keepers (cleaning services)

Do they exist? If so, where do you find nudist cleaning services? I'm in Atlanta and would like to have a fellow nudist come do my dusting and cleaning once a week.

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RE: nude house keepers (cleaning services)

I'd read and heard about a cleaning service where the women wore skimpy outfits but not nude. I'm sure you might find someone that will do that but I'd bet it would have a sexual undertone and cost you a heck of a lot more than having your place cleaned by a clothed group.
Even housekeeping services at nude resorts and clubs are all dressed. Many of those that work at our club are also residents and have strict work guidelines to adhere to Workers Comp requirements and restrictions.

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RE: nude house keepers (cleaning services)

Anyone want a naked cleaner?

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RE:nude house keepers (cleaning services)

I frequently see ads in Craigslist (Atlanta) for nude house cleaners, nude carpenters, and nude painters. You might want to revisit craigslist.

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RE:nude house keepers (cleaning services)

Bet you those ads offer more then cleaning a house.

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RE:nude house keepers (cleaning services)

Yes, but, drywallers too? That's VERY Rule 34.

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