new from the Land of Lincoln
Hi guys, so I'm pretty new to nudism. I'm 25, and I've been interested in it for a year or two, but not very sure about things. Part of the appeal is that researching nudism helped me to overcome a years-long porn addiction. When I saw the human body in a more wholistic way, rather than simply as a sex object, porn became instantly less tantilizing--all glory be to God.
As a Christian, it took a lot of persuasion and studying the Bible to realize that it isn't inherently sinful. I even became aware of the plethora of health benefits of being nude.
In college, I went hiking in the nude one time (on a public trail, but at dusk in the rain, so I was alone). And I went on a walk around my neighborhood at 3am (was seen by one person, but she was totally cool with it).
Anyway, now I am in the capitol, and I know of nobody who shares my opinions on the matter. My friends would think I'm crazy. My parents would be horrified. And I live in a densely-packed neighborhood, so I can't really leave my apartment.
Even more than that, I'm apprehensive of meeting other nudists, especially in a private setting. While I am sure of my Christian convictions and values, I am worried that other nudists might influence me in ways I would not want to go.
So... any advice? :P Especially from other Christians?
- 10 years ago
Since you live in Chicago and summer is on the way, my suggestion would be for you to plan some trips to MAZO BEACH in WI. It is the closest nude beach to Chicago. You are more apt to see other younger nuders at a beach then at a nude resort. If you are into yoga, there are some nude yoga classes in Chicago. Since both of these are public events it will provide less anxiety then meeting other nuders in a private setting. I would never recommend meeting anyone (textile or nude) in a private setting for the first time from the net anyway.
You stated you prefer Christian nudists to reply. I can't imagine what religion has to do with it; but for the record I am not Christian. Nonetheless I still stand by my beach suggestion for your first public/social nudist experience.
- 10 years ago
Hi! Thanks for the reply. So to clarify, I'm from Springfield, not Chicago. It's a common misconception, though, that Chicago is Illinois' capitol. :P
I would like to make it up that way sometime, or perhaps to Blue Lake Resort. Is this beach that you mention nude-only, or how does that work?
Also, I apologize if I offended by my "Christians only" statement. I didn't mean to sound exclusive. My issue is that I am pursuing nudism in a completely non-sexual context. While all the information I've read online SAYS that nudism isn't sexual in nature, there is a part of me that fears that I'll meet nudists who are more "cavalier" in their sexuality and try to draw me in. If that is not an issue then I'm fine with meeting anyone, but I said preferably Christians because I want to know how other Christians deal with matters of purity and abstinence while living a nudist lifestyle.
(And whenever I get married, it'd be a plus if my wife were okay with nudism, too.) :P
- 10 years ago
Welcome aboard! Hope that you enjoy the site.
- 10 years ago
I was just down in Springfield and met up with a nudist for a non sexual afternoon to enjoy the last bits of summer.
Your concerns about being drawn into activities you don't card to partake in are not limited to nudist encounters. Those types of temptations are everywhere from the backroom to the boardroom. It sounds like you've established some of the boarders you don't wish to cross the next step is to learn how to communicate them without coming across as condescending Clothed or naked you have to be able to communicate your desires and or limits and learn to walk away when necessary.
From my experience I've had my share of indecent proposals but have never done anything I wasn't agreeable to
- 9 years ago
Since you live in Chicago .......
Just to be clear - Chicago is not the capital of Illinois.
Tell our Governor(s) that (both the present one, and the former who
is in prison). The map may say Springfield is the capitol,
but all business is conducted in Chicago.
John aka cobeachbum
- 9 years ago