Post #162snugglebunnySuper NudistHave you signed? The Nudist Bill of Rights RE: Annual Snow Angel ChallengeOkay everyone...snow has blanketed states that rarely get snow...any new takers in the Annual Snow Angel Challenge?
I would have to drive a few hours north, my part of TX didn't get snow, but my son called and said he had snowball fight at work, and he is only 35 miles away. But it wasn't enough to do snow angel.
It'll be worth the drive, what an opportunity for you and you'll find it invigorating too. Finally someone from tx with nude snow angel bragging rights
edit: Sorry Joachim! I just remembered you're from Texas. So Thomas, finally someone else from Tx with bragging rights!
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Post #163Cheri_DonnaUltra NudistDoing what I can to positively promote nudism. RE: Annual Snow Angel ChallengeWe had about 8 to 10 inches of snow over night. When it was only a few inches, I went outside au naturale and made and threw a snow ball. THAT was fun. I couldn't get my husband or my cats to go outside. LOL
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Post #164snugglebunnySuper NudistHave you signed? The Nudist Bill of Rights RE: Annual Snow Angel ChallengeOkay everyone...snow has blanketed states that rarely get snow...any new takers in the Annual Snow Angel Challenge?
I heard on CNN yesterday that forty-nine of the fifty states (yes, even Florida) have snow on the ground somewhere. Only state that doesn't is Hawaii.
It even snowed in Rome, Italy.
LOL! Alright more excuses! Everyone, get out there and flail your arms and legs around. You too, Cheri! (Snowballs is a nice start...)
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Post #166snugglebunnySuper NudistHave you signed? The Nudist Bill of Rights RE: Annual Snow Angel ChallengeGreat job, Catbird!
I can't believe I'm saying this but...CT didn't get a single flake of snow in the first storm last week and although we got about 5 inches in the 2nd storm, it had all melted away by the next day. Possibility of snow tonight, so just maybe we can do it again!
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Post #167Cheri_DonnaUltra NudistDoing what I can to positively promote nudism. RE: Annual Snow Angel ChallengeJen, It melted way too fast atour place to our cats' delight. The roads cleared up even faster than our yard. I'm worried about that snowman built about a mile from our place. He seems to have gone away too. :(
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Post #168snugglebunnySuper NudistHave you signed? The Nudist Bill of Rights RE: Annual Snow Angel ChallengeFinally, it SNOWED in CT!!

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Post #169catbirdSuper NudistCome bare with me. Naturally, Catbird RE: Annual Snow Angel ChallengeVery good photo. Exhilarating isn't it.
So this one is in broad daylight. I sort of suspected that past snow angel pictures were after dark. I admire your gumption.
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Post #170snugglebunnySuper NudistHave you signed? The Nudist Bill of Rights RE: Annual Snow Angel ChallengeVery good photo. Exhilarating isn't it.So this one is in broad daylight. I sort of suspected that past snow angel pictures were after dark. I admire your gumption.
You're right Catbird, usually we do snow angels after dark because our yard is very exposed to the road and three houses. But it's the middle of a got brave! Still wondering about that car though was it slowing down for the stop sign just past our driveway or....
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Post #171snugglebunnySuper NudistHave you signed? The Nudist Bill of Rights RE: Annual Snow Angel ChallengeOur dear friend, Phil, is accusing us of pulling a TandM. LOL! Says the heavy black line looks like a photoshop job. It's taken from a video clip. Will post one of the stills later. Just for you, Phil!
xoxoxo Jen
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