RE: Clinton Back In The White House

It was awful last time she was PreidentIt certainly was! We had a soaring economy. We hadn't invaded any sovereign nations under false pretenses. We did not start the longest war in our history. We had much better race relations domestically and a higher standing internationally. It was awful indeed!

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

If I was an American voter, I would prefer Hillary than someone like the Cuban Marco Rubio. And yes, he is 100% Cuban, being born may 28 1971 to Cuban parents who did not become naturalized U.S. citizens until 1975.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

Politics and their related comments are not a game but an exploration into candidates' abilities; we've allowed the media to turn the whole exercise into a big circus act. Though I understand the points listed from other commenters, the underlying linchpin facts are not well researched and posited as a defense of a particular position. I can never be a Hiliary supporter as I believe her to be too loose with the truth. And... by the way...Clinton 1's economy ran on fake money such as Enron and the beginning of the 'easy credit' mortgage debacle. How much did you loose in that market collapse?

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

I can never be a Hiliary supporter as I believe her to be too loose with the truth.The same can be said for at least 98% of all politicians worldwide.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

The unfortunate fact of the matter is that there is really no fundimental difference between the Democrats and Republicans. Both parties are driven by big money. Without it, a candidate has no chance of being elected...

I suspect it's the same in the rest of the world as well.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

The unfortunate fact of the matter is that there is really no fundimental difference between the Democrats and Republicans. Both parties are driven by big money. Without it, a candidate has no chance of being elected...I suspect it's the same in the rest of the world as well.No, in some places campaigns are financed with public funding. It allows the candidates to run on issues and not spend their time fundraising. When the candidates don't need to raise ungodly amounts of cash to run, theyare not beholden to their donors.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

I believe that we may see a grass roots candidate come along who may not be beholden to the political parties. Unfortunately, that person will not get anywhere unless the grass roots steps up and donates time, talent and treasure to the campaign. The key word here is treasure. Money, big money, buys elections. If the "little" people unite and dig deep we can overcome the big moneyed interests. The important thing is that the "little" people need to stop the rhetoric and start talking with their checkbooks. Personally I have already written a check to one particular candidate and I intend to donate more. I hope others will join me. I will reveal my choice when it is appropriate to do so.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

If I was an American voter, I would prefer Hillary than someone like the Cuban Marco Rubio. And yes, he is 100% Cuban, being born may 28 1971 to Cuban parents who did not become naturalized U.S. citizens until 1975.I'm not supporting Rubio, but he was born in Miami, which makes him a U.S. citizen, regardless of his parents citizenship, which makes him eligible to be President of the United States.Always, for reasons that one can only imagine the OP seems obsessed with perceived nationalities. Inst ead of stating any legitimate reason (policy, politics, personality, etc) of Mr. Rubio he would vote for Mrs. Clinton just due to his being of Cuban heritage. When it comes to President Obama the OP insists on calling him a Kenyan.
I am convinced that the OP is using these code words to veil his issues with those he considers "less then white". Racism belongs to an earlier and ugliertime and has no place in our world. If the OP was truly interested in the politics he would speak to the issues; instead he only brings up heritages.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

I believe that we may see a grass roots candidate come along who may not be beholden to the political parties. Unfortunately, that person will not get anywhere unless the grass roots steps up and donates time, talent and treasure to the campaign. The key word here is treasure. Money, big money, buys elections. If the "little" people unite and dig deep we can overcome the big moneyed interests. The important thing is that the "little" people need to stop the rhetoric and start talking with their checkbooks. Personally I have already written a check to one particular candidate and I intend to donate more. I hope others will join me. I will reveal my choice when it is appropriate to do so.It's not money that wins elections in the UK, but the Sun Newspaper. Too many of the poor naive people actually believe the crap vomitting from the pathetic mouths of the political imbeciles.

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RE: Clinton Back In The White House

In the US, the "treasure" Desert Rat refers to buys access to the media. He's right on the money (no Pun intended) - no treasure - no exposure - no chance. A candidate here will have little chance at media exposure (if any at all) with out a large war chest. Would be nice if all candidates were given equal access to the media but that just won't happen...

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