RE: Naked down 95

I got in a 70 km nude drive a couple of night ago. Even though it was cold out , the heater made the trip comfortable and relaxing. However it wasn't on the I95 just one of our minor highways here in Australia.Naked, the Only way to drive.Indeed ... "Naked, the Only way to drive," is my mantra! I truly dislike having clothes on when I don't have to and having them on while driving seems as dumb as having them on at home.
My naked driving has been nothing more than an extension of my nude life at home and the vehicles we drive are just an extension of our home. I don't stand in front of the windows, at home so others can see me and I don't drive naked so others can see me, I drive naked for myself and am a nudist for myself. But I do recognize the "possibility" of being seen, which I am always prepared for.
We used to have a convertible and I drove that naked a few times very late at night on the freeway going towards Las Vegas, NV. I'd exit the freeway and travel up the mountain and find us a nice spot to look out over the city lights and then find another secluded spot for some us time. We miss that car for many reasons but it was a fun car to drive naked and when it was cold and we had the top down, the heater on high made it very comfortable! :D

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RE: Naked down 95

You said that you would drive to and from work naked. How did you accomplish this on shift? FF's are very curious and nosey creatures.

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RE: Naked down 95

I drive naked any time when I can. Drove to and from work or long distance driving. To me by driving naked I'm One with the car and the environment around me. So I'm more Intune with the other cars around me. Chris :)

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RE: Naked down 95

You said that you would drive to and from work naked. How did you accomplish this on shift? FF's are very curious and nosey creatures.Not quite understanding this question. I worked 24 hr shifts so I drove to work, leaving my house around 5 am and arriving at the station about 6:20 am. Depending on the type of night the off going shift had, they were either up, which would necessitate me slipping on my shorts and t shirt to exit the truck or if they had a hard night, I would exit the truck naked and go up to the locker room, with shorts and t shirt in hand! :D
When I left work, I usually left dressed but stopped at the downtown Starbucks for a cup O' Jo for the ride home. Once back in my truck, off came the clothes and I drove home naked and at that time, I parked my truck in the garage so exiting the truck naked was easy and I did it all the time.
I would call myself curious but not necessarily ... nosey! :D

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RE: Naked down 95

I drive naked any time when I can. Drove to and from work or long distance driving. To me by driving naked I'm One with the car and the environment around me. So I'm more Intune with the other cars around me. Chris :)When I retired, I drove naked ... everywhere! As soon as I was in the car/truck, I was naked. I remember commenting on this on another site I'm on and one of the other members stated that he had done that as well but then found that dressing and undressing several times in a short period of time just seemed more work than it was worth.
I started thinking about it every time I stopped at an errand stop and got dressed, then undressed back in the car for the next stop only a few minutes away, then dressed again ... this just continued for the 4-6 stops or more that I'd make running my errands and finally came up with a plan that suited my errand running and love for driving naked. I usually started out dressed and ran the short local errands first, then saved the furthest errand for last and after that errand was completed, I'd strip and drive the longer drive home, naked! He changed my way of thinking and that's what I've been doing for the last few years, anyway!

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RE: Naked down 95

You said that you would drive to and from work naked. How did you accomplish this on shift? FF's are very curious and nosey creatures.Not quite understanding this question. I worked 24 hr shifts so I drove to work, leaving my house around 5 am and arriving at the station about 6:20 am. Depending on the type of night the off going shift had, they were either up, which would necessitate me slipping on my shorts and t shirt to exit the truck or if they had a hard night, I would exit the truck naked and go up to the locker room, with shorts and t shirt in hand! :D
When I left work, I usually left dressed but stopped at the downtown Starbucks for a cup O' Jo for the ride home. Once back in my truck, off came the clothes and I drove home naked and at that time, I parked my truck in the garage so exiting the truck naked was easy and I did it all the time.
I would call myself curious but not necessarily ... nosey! :D
We work 24/48 also. I'm 6'6" and have to dress/undress outside the vehicle so it might be more difficult for me to hide. I also forgot each fire station is usually a little different so some stations might be easier to slip in and out of. I do leave the station clothed and undress in a better spot. Sorry about the confusion.

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RE: Naked down 95

You said that you would drive to and from work naked. How did you accomplish this on shift? FF's are very curious and nosey creatures.Not quite understanding this question. I worked 24 hr shifts so I drove to work, leaving my house around 5 am and arriving at the station about 6:20 am. Depending on the type of night the off going shift had, they were either up, which would necessitate me slipping on my shorts and t shirt to exit the truck or if they had a hard night, I would exit the truck naked and go up to the locker room, with shorts and t shirt in hand! :D
When I left work, I usually left dressed but stopped at the downtown Starbucks for a cup O' Jo for the ride home. Once back in my truck, off came the clothes and I drove home naked and at that time, I parked my truck in the garage so exiting the truck naked was easy and I did it all the time.
I would call myself curious but not necessarily ... nosey! :D
We work 24/48 also. I'm 6'6" and have to dress/undress outside the vehicle so it might be more difficult for me to hide. I also forgot each fire station is usually a little different so some stations might be easier to slip in and out of. I do leave the station clothed and undress in a better spot. Sorry about the confusion.No worries ... 6' 6" vs 5' 8" ... much easier for me to dress/undress in any of the cars I own/owned. :D
The bid to go 48/96 was defeated a few times during my career. Seemed strange that guys hated that schedule but would voluntarily put themselves on duty 48-96 for OT but didn't want to be subjected to working 48 on a permanent schedule! LOL I was retired 3 years when the vote to go 48/96 came up again. I think it passed. I haven't really heard much from the guys I'm still in contact with. They must like it.
If I have a spot and the opportunity to get out of my car and strip or get dressed ... I'll do that but I've only had the opportunity on really long drives outta town. I've done that at rest stops a few times and actually was seen by a trucker that was sitting in his truck across the way and I didn't realize he was there. :D

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RE: Naked down 95

You said that you would drive to and from work naked. How did you accomplish this on shift? FF's are very curious and nosey creatures.Not quite understanding this question. I worked 24 hr shifts so I drove to work, leaving my house around 5 am and arriving at the station about 6:20 am. Depending on the type of night the off going shift had, they were either up, which would necessitate me slipping on my shorts and t shirt to exit the truck or if they had a hard night, I would exit the truck naked and go up to the locker room, with shorts and t shirt in hand! :D
When I left work, I usually left dressed but stopped at the downtown Starbucks for a cup O' Jo for the ride home. Once back in my truck, off came the clothes and I drove home naked and at that time, I parked my truck in the garage so exiting the truck naked was easy and I did it all the time.
I would call myself curious but not necessarily ... nosey! :D
We work 24/48 also. I'm 6'6" and have to dress/undress outside the vehicle so it might be more difficult for me to hide. I also forgot each fire station is usually a little different so some stations might be easier to slip in and out of. I do leave the station clothed and undress in a better spot. Sorry about the confusion.No worries ... 6' 6" vs 5' 8" ... much easier for me to dress/undress in any of the cars I own/owned. :D
The bid to go 48/96 was defeated a few times during my career. Seemed strange that guys hated that schedule but would voluntarily put themselves on duty 48-96 for OT but didn't want to be subjected to working 48 on a permanent schedule! LOL I was retired 3 years when the vote to go 48/96 came up again. I think it passed. I haven't really heard much from the guys I'm still in contact with. They must like it.
If I have a spot and the opportunity to get out of my car and strip or get dressed ... I'll do that but I've only had the opportunity on really long drives outta town. I've done that at rest stops a few times and actually was seen by a trucker that was sitting in his truck across the way and I didn't realize he was there. :D
We have deptartments in the state that are 24/72. Now that would be awesome.
I'm finding that very few people pay attention to other people in parking lots and such. I have a 4 door pickup so it is easy with both drivers side doors open.

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RE: Naked down 95

You said that you would drive to and from work naked. How did you accomplish this on shift? FF's are very curious and nosey creatures.Not quite understanding this question. I worked 24 hr shifts so I drove to work, leaving my house around 5 am and arriving at the station about 6:20 am. Depending on the type of night the off going shift had, they were either up, which would necessitate me slipping on my shorts and t shirt to exit the truck or if they had a hard night, I would exit the truck naked and go up to the locker room, with shorts and t shirt in hand! :D
When I left work, I usually left dressed but stopped at the downtown Starbucks for a cup O' Jo for the ride home. Once back in my truck, off came the clothes and I drove home naked and at that time, I parked my truck in the garage so exiting the truck naked was easy and I did it all the time.
I would call myself curious but not necessarily ... nosey! :D
We work 24/48 also. I'm 6'6" and have to dress/undress outside the vehicle so it might be more difficult for me to hide. I also forgot each fire station is usually a little different so some stations might be easier to slip in and out of. I do leave the station clothed and undress in a better spot. Sorry about the confusion.No worries ... 6' 6" vs 5' 8" ... much easier for me to dress/undress in any of the cars I own/owned. :D
The bid to go 48/96 was defeated a few times during my career. Seemed strange that guys hated that schedule but would voluntarily put themselves on duty 48-96 for OT but didn't want to be subjected to working 48 on a permanent schedule! LOL I was retired 3 years when the vote to go 48/96 came up again. I think it passed. I haven't really heard much from the guys I'm still in contact with. They must like it.
If I have a spot and the opportunity to get out of my car and strip or get dressed ... I'll do that but I've only had the opportunity on really long drives outta town. I've done that at rest stops a few times and actually was seen by a trucker that was sitting in his truck across the way and I didn't realize he was there. :D
We have deptartments in the state that are 24/72. Now that would be awesome.
I'm finding that very few people pay attention to other people in parking lots and such. I have a 4 door pickup so it is easy with both drivers side doors open.So much easier when I had my truck. I miss the hell outta my truck but I don't miss that I had to always search for diesel. Now that I sold it, seems like every station has diesel ... and it's now cheaper than unleaded it should be and should have always been! ;-)
Not sure how I would have liked being on duty any more than I was ... late in my career. I was done around age 53. It was my own fault. I worked very busy stations. Run all day and run all night. Lots of administrative work, lots of PR work for the city that we took over their FD. I sometimes thought we were all politicians. Seemed all we did, some days, was do demos, shake hands and hug kids! LMNAO!!!!
It was fun, I loved it but the sleepless nights were the worst and coming home for my 24 off and dragging, sleeping most of the day, to only go to bed and get up and do it all over again. BUT ... I'd do it ALL over again ... if I could! :D

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RE: Naked down 95

You said that you would drive to and from work naked. How did you accomplish this on shift? FF's are very curious and nosey creatures.Not quite understanding this question. I worked 24 hr shifts so I drove to work, leaving my house around 5 am and arriving at the station about 6:20 am. Depending on the type of night the off going shift had, they were either up, which would necessitate me slipping on my shorts and t shirt to exit the truck or if they had a hard night, I would exit the truck naked and go up to the locker room, with shorts and t shirt in hand! :D
When I left work, I usually left dressed but stopped at the downtown Starbucks for a cup O' Jo for the ride home. Once back in my truck, off came the clothes and I drove home naked and at that time, I parked my truck in the garage so exiting the truck naked was easy and I did it all the time.
I would call myself curious but not necessarily ... nosey! :D
We work 24/48 also. I'm 6'6" and have to dress/undress outside the vehicle so it might be more difficult for me to hide. I also forgot each fire station is usually a little different so some stations might be easier to slip in and out of. I do leave the station clothed and undress in a better spot. Sorry about the confusion.No worries ... 6' 6" vs 5' 8" ... much easier for me to dress/undress in any of the cars I own/owned. :D
The bid to go 48/96 was defeated a few times during my career. Seemed strange that guys hated that schedule but would voluntarily put themselves on duty 48-96 for OT but didn't want to be subjected to working 48 on a permanent schedule! LOL I was retired 3 years when the vote to go 48/96 came up again. I think it passed. I haven't really heard much from the guys I'm still in contact with. They must like it.
If I have a spot and the opportunity to get out of my car and strip or get dressed ... I'll do that but I've only had the opportunity on really long drives outta town. I've done that at rest stops a few times and actually was seen by a trucker that was sitting in his truck across the way and I didn't realize he was there. :D
We have deptartments in the state that are 24/72. Now that would be awesome.
I'm finding that very few people pay attention to other people in parking lots and such. I have a 4 door pickup so it is easy with both drivers side doors open.So much easier when I had my truck. I miss the hell outta my truck but I don't miss that I had to always search for diesel. Now that I sold it, seems like every station has diesel ... and it's now cheaper than unleaded it should be and should have always been! ;-)
Not sure how I would have liked being on duty any more than I was ... late in my career. I was done around age 53. It was my own fault. I worked very busy stations. Run all day and run all night. Lots of administrative work, lots of PR work for the city that we took over their FD. I sometimes thought we were all politicians. Seemed all we did, some days, was do demos, shake hands and hug kids! LMNAO!!!!
It was fun, I loved it but the sleepless nights were the worst and coming home for my 24 off and dragging, sleeping most of the day, to only go to bed and get up and do it all over again. BUT ... I'd do it ALL over again ... if I could! :D
I have less than 5 years. I can retire at age 55. I loved it when I started but as I've risen through the ranks I find myself disliking it more. Now my duties are 10% onscene/ emergency response, 90% baby sitting/ dealing with citizen complaints. Shouldn't have promoted about the rank of Captain. Still can't see myself doing anything else. :-)

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