
Why can,t we upgrade or renew using the paypal system?

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RE: Paypal

My understanding is that PayPal refuses to do business with nudist-related organizations. We nudists probably ought to boycott PayPal.

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RE: Paypal

Why can,t we upgrade or renew using the paypal system?What's the big deal about using a credit card?

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RE: Paypal

My understanding is that PayPal refuses to do business with nudist-related organizations. We nudists probably ought to boycott PayPal.In order to have a successful boycott you need to be able to make a significant difference in the company's sales. Sadly, if the world's nudist/naturist population stopped using PayPal it wouldn't even move their needle downward; Their annual revenue is just under US-$8-Billion; US-$8,000,000,000.

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RE: Paypal

I understand they don't like gun people either.Another reason to boycott.Just thinking,I didn't realize that they don't want to profit from unregulated gun sales; had I know that I might haveused PayPal more then my AMEX card. But then again, AMEX gives cash rewards.

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