RE: Recommendations, Upgrades, Bugs

Hmmm....I'll have to think about this some, but here's a few off the top of my head. :)

1. A time limit on editing forum posts, maybe 2 hours from time of original post? I only suggest this as you always get some dork out there who changes his post 3 days after he posted it so it says something completely different. The way I see it, 2 hours is plenty of time to correct any errors you may have made while posting.

2. Another moderator or 2. At least someone who can be in the chatroom on a fairly regular basis and has the time to troll the boards.

3. I'm not sure if this has been addressed, but when you are posting in the forums and your post is starting a new page. For some reason the first post on the new page doesn't appear. I'm not sure what the post count is per page, but for sake of argument lets say it's 10. So let's say there's 10 posts on page one, the person who posts number 11 and starts page two, for some reason that post doesn't appear.
4. Most recent posts at the top of the page, not at the back. While I like the idea of seeing what everybody has had to say, it does get to be a bit old after scrolling through 4 pages. lol

5. Non members should have ZERO access to our site. I know it's good for advertising to give people a taste of what to expect, but there's just too many weirdo's out there who's only goal in life is to mess up people's lives.

6. For some reason, if you are long winded (like me lol) and take a while to type up a message on the forums, the site logs you out and you loose all that you've typed. Is there some way around this?

7. The ability to make me a cafe mocha. my mocha's!

8. Notifcation when someone accepts your friendship request. While you can look your friends to see who's new, it's easy to loose track after your friends list goes over 10.

9. Right now if you send a friend request to someone and it gets declined, you cannot send them another one. Ever. Could that be changed to being not sending another one for 30 days? I have found that there have been people I've said no to, because I didn't know them and then down the track I want to say yes, but they can't send me another request.

10. The ability toignore users in the chatroom.

11. The ability to block certain people from viewing your cam in the chatroom. I have found way too many people who just log in, dock up the most people they can dock and say absolutelly nothing. After awhile it get's a bit uncomfortable.

12. When someone delete's their profile, all of their posts disappear.Is there anyway this can be changed? I hate disappearing posts, they drive me nuts. lol

Hmm...that's all that's coming to mind at the moment. I've been away for the last couple of weeks and have found that there has been some updates, so maybe some of mine has already been addressed. If so, I'm sorry, but I'm a bit slow and not as swift as the name implies. lol

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Protect Pics

The most important upgrade you could do is make it impossible to copy pics. Even though being certified helps, someone can still copy your pic and post it anywhere they want. I have been a member of two web sites that had that feature, you could not copy and paste pics. Thanks, Michael

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RE: changes

Back with some more suggestions.

1. I agree with someone who posted this, the ability to copy pics should be disabled if it's possible.

2. I think there should be a 2 tiered certification process. From what I've seen here one of the biggest hurdles for getting people certified is that they have to send in nude photo's. Which is completely understandable. I know that this is a nudist site and we want nudists here and the current process does a good job of certifing that (I know that sending a nude pic is not a great way of confirming that someone is a nudist, but at least it confirms they are willing to ante up and strip off. It's a start). However, for me the biggest concern is confirming that the person in the profile is a real person, being a nudist comes second to me.

So, this is my idea. First you have the unconfirmed member. As this person is not confirmed for anything, their access to the site should be limited, but not limiting to the point ofdiscouraging people with legitimate reasons not to confirm themselves. Obviously this would take some thought, but anexample could be limitingaccess to functions on the site. Like the chat room for instance, an unconfirmed member has no webcam access, period. Can't view, can't show, nothing. The way I see it, if you have a web cam you can at least confirm who you are and once you do so, then you can view/show cams. You could also limit the unconfirmed people's ability to view pics on the site, in other words they can't view pics until they are confirmed. Once you are confirmed, you can view pics, but you can only view clothed pics. Once you are confirmed as a nudist, then you can view nude pics. Like I said, the whole process would take some serious thought, as you also want to make it a great incentive to be confirmed as a nudist and still keep this site free lol. These are just a couple of ideas I've been tossing around.

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RE: changes

Taken this from another thread.
Here is the problem with this site when showing ones face in a nude photo or putting personalinformation in your profile. Many of the members here may not realize it, but the gallery photos, profilesand nudist search feature can be easily accessed by anyone on the internet. You do not have to be a member of TruNudist or even be logged onto this site. Furthermore, anyone member or non-member, can copy your photo and send it around the internet with a few clicks of their mouse.
There is another nudist site that has protection for the photos in the gallery, although even this can be hacked. Just somewhat more difficult. The administration needs to fix this security problem....John
Well I could not access the Gallery, but the search and our profiles, with BIG profile pic, IS accessible if you're not logged in. That needs to be changed ASAP. I thought it was just the home page and forum that anyone could view with access only to thumbnail pics.

EDIT. To hide your BIG profile pic you need to make it Truenudists only, your other pics are hidden, but the rest of the profile is still accessible and your profile pic is visible at a reasonable size,by simply looking in one of your friends, friends lists or on search results.
I would be a lot happier if only the home page was available to none members.

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RE: changes

Hey everybody, I've only been a member for a few days, so I really have no complaments, or am I aware of any major problems. I will say that this is a great site, and I have met some really great people in the short time I have been here....

So, I just want to thanks


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RE: Recommendations, Upgrades, Bugs

Please make the photo views on a slide show method.

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RE: Suggestion

Have just noticed that we seem to have reached a max on the main group list, because groups have started falling off the bottom.
I had a link in my groups list, so I was able to changed the Name of the veggie group and got it back. I'll delete any of my groups that are not popular to make a bit more room, and suggest everyone else does the same, and until TT can rectify it, remember, if you start a new one, you are effectively deleting someone else's group. I have told TT.



If your group has dropped off the bottom, you can find it with the search tool at the top of the page.
You can find a group, even if you don't know the name, by searching (one at a time) the letters of the alphabet that have dropped off the bottom. The results are in alphabetical order, so although it will show for example, all the groups with a "w" in the Title, all thatSTART with a "W" are at the bottom of the results list.

2nd EDIT. The list is fixed now, TT's must have made it accept more entries :) Thanks TT!

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RE: Recommendations, Upgrades, Bugs

maybe have the photos need for certification uploaded separately???

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Group messages

It would be nice to be able to send a messsage to all members of a group or on your friends list.

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