
A young men who is pedaling across the USA this summer stayed at my home last night. He just finished up school with a film degreeand is informally collecting stories from folks along the way. He found me via a website that I am part of that enables bicyclist to find places to stay. I clearly state in my profile that I am a nudist and will be nude unless they request I wear something. So farin 3 seasons of stating it that way in my profile only one couple has requested I do that.In his email to me he asked if i was interested in sharing a story he would add it to his collection. We had dinner and sat in the livingroom and shared stories when he asked me in person if I was interested. Of course I agreed. I was sitting there in the buffand assumed he would want me to put something on to be filmed. But he assured me that if I was comfortable nude for the documentary he was fine with it too. So he set up the camera and audio device and I told my story of my 21 state car tour I didbetween jobs 28 years ago. I have not seen the clip yet. May ask him this morning before he leaves to show me a bitof it. I was totally comfortable contributing my story in the buff. How would you handle this opportunity?

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