The Daily Nude Update

We all have our nude experiences and it would be great to share it around.
Here is my update for today:
S and I woke up pretty late today as S had a late night attending a wedding in Mysore. She reached pretty late last night dead tired, removed her clothes and crashed to sleep. S cooked some yummy break fast in the nude while I lazily walked around the house, had some coffee on the balcony, luckily, we live in a pent house and our building is one among the tallest in the area, so it is pretty safe.
It was only a matter of a few hours that we could remain nude until my parents arrived. We hurriedly put on our clothes and contemplated whether to go to work today or not. Finally, we decided to enjoy some more nude time once my parents leave and hence bunked work today! :D

K n S

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RE: The Daily Nude Update

We are nude around 23 hours each day.
Day before yesterday.Woke from sleeping nude, had shower and went down to the kitchen for breakfast, egg on toast, covered with a slice of melted cheese. Washed the dishes.
Got un-nude went shopping at local supermarket (approx. 1 hour). Came home got nude again, put the shopping away and jumped on net while we cooled off.Had lunch, did some washing (3 loads, whites, darks and towels) and hung them out on the terrace to dry.(note chores are a team effort).
Watched some TV went to bed.Yesterday, same morning activities except slipping the shorts on for 5 mins to take the rubbish out and sweep the entranceway. stayed nude until 6:15pm showered and got un-nude in preparation for ifes tutor student to arrive.
8pm nude again did the usual evening activities b4 going to bed.
Today.Got up showered , got un-nude and went to a large mall / supermarket more shopping mainly fruit and veg. got home about midday, got nude again and still that way at 2:35pm

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RE: The Daily Nude Update

Owo..I was just thinking 2/3 days back to start some discussion where ppl can post their current experience. And i found this group came up....brilliant. I feel this is going to be quite popular, like "who saw you last".Today i am at sarnath near varanasi. Slept nude as up un-nude and went for a local sight seeing. came back in 2 hours...still am nude, on bad. mean while spoke a room service guy twice, in nude.

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RE: The Daily Nude Update

I would like to share an experience that happened 2 days back. I was staying at a guest house in Varanasi. There was no other guest. It was quite hot. So i decided to sleep at the roof.
Around 10 pm, after i finished dinner and saw all the room service guys watching TV at reception in ground floor, planned to sleep nude. My room was at 3rd floor, from there i carried a pillow and a bed sheet...and went t 5th floor roof, fully nude.
There was a roof top i landed there and opened the door to enter the resto, i saw one room boy there who was going to have dinner. He saw me completely nude, but did not react.
itold him that i would sleep under open sky. He said..ok, no issue.
Then i pulled 2 plastic table and joined them and made my bed.
I slept there whole night...I could see the river Ganga at one side. The sky was bathed with moon light.
i got up at 5 am, and got down.
It was quite a memorable experience.

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RE: The Daily Nude Update

We all have our nude experiences and it would be great to share it around.Here is my update for today:S and I woke up pretty late today as S had a late night attending a wedding in Mysore. She reached pretty late last night dead tired, removed her clothes and crashed to sleep. S cooked some yummy break fast in the nude while I lazily walked around the house, had some coffee on the balcony, luckily, we live in a pent house and our building is one among the tallest in the area, so it is pretty safe.It was only a matter of a few hours that we could remain nude until my parents arrived. We hurriedly put on our clothes and contemplated whether to go to work today or not. Finally, we decided to enjoy some more nude time once my parents leave and hence bunked work today! :DCheers...K n Sthats a nice way to spend the morning .... K & S

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RE: The Daily Nude Update

i wish I had known it was okay to sleep nude on the roof of the hotel when I was in Varanisi back in Feb. Loved the vibrancy of the city and the Ganges was mystical.

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RE: The Daily Nude Update

i wish I had known it was okay to sleep nude on the roof of the hotel when I was in Varanisi back in Feb. Loved the vibrancy of the city and the Ganges was mystical.ehy..u came to India and did not contact any of us??? That's not right...
Where did u stay in Varanasi?

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RE: The Daily Nude Update

My usual stuff...taking a nude bath at night on roof and then sleeping nude

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RE: The Daily Nude Update

today, 10th June, 2.45 pm
My masseur has come...going to have a nude massage with shampoo in shower room

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RE: The Daily Nude Update

slept nude

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RE: The Daily Nude Update

I'm having a pretty normal day ... woke up naked ... had my naked morning coffee and breakfast... checked my usual news web-sites ... an hour of recreational reading ... did some chores around the house ... shower ... it is now 11:15 a.m. and I'm still naked ...

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