Soil beats oil for healthy skin?

9 hours in garden yesterday. Nude. Building new stone wall, planting annuals and perennials. Mulching. Will post pix. Got covered in dirt. Head to foot. This morning, skin feels healthier. Happier.. Alive. Like the microorganism a in dirt invigorated dermis. Curious. Anyone read/experienced the like?

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RE: Soil beats oil for healthy skin?

9 hours in garden yesterday. Nude. Building new stone wall, planting annuals and perennials. Mulching. Will post pix. Got covered in dirt. Head to foot. This morning, skin feels healthier. Happier.. Alive. Like the microorganism a in dirt invigorated dermis. Curious. Anyone read/experienced the like?Like the old folks used to say when you got hurt - just rub some dirt on it... or was that just Manning.Possible, just insure there are no open cuts, etc for harmful bacteria present in any and all soil. It could have been the thorough scrubbing you gave yourself after getting soiled, or the good sun with lots of Vitamin D. Some soils do have healing properties - mud baths for instance. Could be you just got a good workout.

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RE: Soil beats oil for healthy skin?

Thank you!! Fun! Whatever the science, feel fantastic! Took day off from gardening. Just nude by pool, a nude beer social, some dancing was only exercise. No, wait. Also gave nude garden tours! LOL. Now nude on rental cabin deck, with nice red wine. Got big garden plans for tomorrow!!! Fun!! More dirt!! LOL

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