too many mirrors!!
Going about my housework chores naked and have just realised, there are way too may mirrors in this house. I keep catching my eye in the mirror lol count how many youve got lol
- 10 years ago
Ha.. Funny.. I have on in each bathroom and 2 bedrooms here. (4 in total). But it would be nice spotting you in one of them.. So you have them in most rooms? Steve
- 10 years ago
4 in total, one in each bathroom and one each on 2 separate wardrobes in the bedrooms.
- 10 years ago
Going about my housework chores naked and have just realised, there are way too may mirrors in this house. I keep catching my eye in the mirror lol count how many youve got lol
I have mirrors everywhere the more the better be proud be naked
- 10 years ago
Just 3 here - bathroom, dressing table and inside wardrobe door.
- 10 years ago
They are all over the house ... somewhere around 12. I/we love mirrors. Makes a room look larger and sometimes when I can't see my wife ... I catch her reflection in a mirror. Bathrooms, closets, bedrooms, hallway, entry way, living room and dining room. I love looking at her and she loves looking at me. The only way we can look at each other together ... is in a mirror, which we do quite often. ;-)
- 10 years ago
I can think ofnine mirrors throughout our house. I also have a large mirror in my studio I used for life drawing. Drawing the reflected nude along with the physical nude form is always an interesting challenge. Thinking about it I should find a model and get back to life drawing.
- 10 years ago
I never liked lots of mirrors, I guess because of being self conscious. Only have a couple at home. I also used to work in a church where the minster that started it liked lots of mirrors in buildings, so I tried to avoid looking in them. The one positive of the mirrors was that I caught the reflection of myself walking a few times and realized I was starting to lean forward and take on that sort of stoop that all the grouchy old guys at Walmart have, so I straightened up right away and became more aware of my gait. Makes me look younger.
- 10 years ago
At least 4 in my house
- 10 years ago
Going about my housework chores naked and have just realised, there are way too may mirrors in this house. I keep catching my eye in the mirror lol count how many youve got lol
- 10 years ago
I have seven in my one bedroom apartment. Two of them are the full length mirrored closet doors in my bedroom. It's amazing what you can see when spending time with a friend in the same room. ;)
- 10 years ago