Popularity of Nudism

Here is a link to a recent article in BBC about nudism!

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RE: Popularity of Nudism

Just read the article. Very interesting and looks like nudism is gaining popularity.

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RE: Popularity of Nudism

I'm glad there's a positive article on nudism. We have too many people in the nudist community itself who constantly cast a negative view on the growth of nudism.

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RE: Popularity of Nudism

... Still, two things that betray a kind of Anglo-Saxon or Northern attitude:
"And God forbid, don't get an erection - you will probably be asked to leave" and "When you're a single person and you're naked with all these couples they look at you like you're a weirdo"
Come on! In my southern culture, nudism is not a kind of cult that creates its own taboos and prejudices, while frighting the general prejudice against nudity. Being nude in certain public places is a matter of behaving naturally in a natural environment - wearing no more and no less than is necessary to protect your body not from prying or disapproving eyes but from the elements. And feeling free from social constraints! Nudism is not a sub-culture - it is, or should be, culture itself!
So what's wrong with an erection, so long as it doesn't "degrade" into masturbation or sexual overtures to unsuspecting parties? After all, it doesn'tinvolve bodily odors (which are less frowned on while being far more offensive), nor does it involve any secretions. Incidentally, what about the pre-ejaculate, which some males simply can't help secreting regardless of their state of sexual arousal?
And being single?! Is this a case of discrimination rearing its ugly head again, and that in a community which prides itself on being liberal to the point of shedding the bonds of clothing even? Or is it yet another sexually-related biblical taboo?

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RE: Popularity of Nudism

It's a pretty good article, worth a read.

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RE: Popularity of Nudism

Good article

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