Naturist movies
Has anyone seen the movie "Educating Julie"? I found it on YouTube when I was looking for movies about naturism. It's old (1984) and British but it is very well done. I'm hoping to be able to use it to help educate my wife on what naturism is really all about.
Hi from stoke on trent england..There used to be a glut of naturism movies on the main circuit in the early 60s. Of course they were given an X certificate so I was 3 years too young to get in....titles like "Naked as Nature Intended" and "The Garden of Eden" were prolific then and many would deny they had seen them.....the old type of mack and newpaper on lap were virtually titilation for men seeing women naked but little of men naked too....I found one or two of British nudist films on U Tube also.