Sorry that was your experience me when I say we are not all like that. dont let it put you off going to such a beautiful area...its one of my faves
- 15 years ago
I have had the same experience going to a clothing optional beach near me, It was extremely off-putting the guy was a grade A stalker following me up and down the beach putting his towel right next to mine. it forced me to move two a more densely populated area which in turn made a lot of those people think I was the creep. It almost ruined nudism for me. I had good experiences before and have had good experiences since so i have moved on but I am always really on guard and super defensive until i have met everyone around me and found them to be good people.
- 15 years ago
I was in Big Sur and a guy tried that mess, I just stood up and yelled to the others on the beach, "Anyone want to nail this guy, he needs it really bad but I'm not gay". Yelled it a few times and in closing,..., as he was waudling him but off, "Thank YOU!"
HA...Classic awesomeness.
- 15 years ago
Yes I had the same problem in many different countries. And ALWAYS those are old freaks who are up to have some fun. I ve been much younger than but that was absolutely yaki. my understanding of this problem is like this, if you want to get a younger partner go pay for one, but don't go to the beacj hoping to get a "free ride"!!!!!
- 15 years ago
Why are men so thin skinned when it comes to being approached by another male? I've never had a problem of saying, "Thanks but no thanks" and they leave. To ruin your whole trip over this minor incident seems silly to me. Think how many women are bombarded with men's advances and not just on a nude beach, i mean in bars, grocery stores, theaters and any place u can name. So if in your nearly 20 year life you had one simple request to "take a walk in the dunes" I think you're doing just fine. To every other male reading this. Grow a thicker skin when it comes to someone "hitting on you." I mean, take it as a compliment. I've never ever heard of a gay person persisting to the point of harassment. They are ususlly very conscious of others feelings. Much more so than are pushy straight men.
- 15 years ago
I have to agree with FarmerBob, don't let if ruin your visit. It is unappropriate behavior - just tell them firmly you are not interested
I watched a man, with a wedding ring, do basically the same thing in the bar of a hotel the other day. He tried toget the female bartenderto go to his room, while his buddies thought it was cool. She ignored him at first, but he kept at ituntil she had tobe more direct. Trying to talk to someone you are interested in, or even flirt a little, is one thing, but rude and disrepectful behavior is unacceptable in any enviroment.
- 15 years ago
Oh get over yourself! Just say no thanks. You are straight, fine, just say so!. I hope that you are not just expressing homophobia. Others have expressed that gay men have enough issues and will take a direct no fo what it is. No hard fellings, no problem, move on
- 14 years ago
Nuff said and well said by Nude
- 14 years ago
Unappropriate and because I am what and who I am I would tend to beat the jerks head into a tree.
Which brings to mind, don't you just love the way some guys here post women as their profile pic just so you can come to their profile....
And how do you respond to , you look really nice from a male.
- 14 years ago
Unappropriate and because I am what and who I am I would tend to beat the jerks head into a tree. Which brings to mind, don't you just love the way some guys here post women as their profile pic just so you can come to their profile....And how do you respond to , you look really nice from a male.
In some cases there are male profiles where since joining the man has linked up with a partner and they are both using his profile; instead of changing the definition to couple. Others are here in that guise for more dubious reasons. If there was no mention of we or photos of the couple on the profile I would just hit the flag button and ask TT1 to take a look.
Not long ago we had one dipstick who opened a profile under a female name, but when you looked at the profile it was tagged male. He got caught when he opened a group for women only to send photos to an e-mail address for verification. Not surprisingly he was booted out quite quickly.
- 14 years ago