I've done this several times although not so much lately. I'm a solo nudist and not into showing my nakedness - not that I'm embarrassed or anything, it's just how it is
However, the confines of the house and garden are limiting sometimes. Similar to Hotandnaked08, I awoke some time ago in the early hours and simply lay in my bed listening. Outside was absolutely still and the thought popped into my head that I could be naked outside and no-one would know. I thought nothing further of it and went back to sleep
A couple of nights later, I awoke in the early hours again and the conditions were exactly the same. So I bit the bullet and went for a walk unclothed
Much the same as everyone else, I found the experience to be exhilarating and I went to undertake such walks a number of times
Luckily, I live in a semi-rural area which is also close to the beach