Male Naturist Swim, Manchester

There is a male naturist swim held every Thursday at Levenshulme Baths, Manchester from 7.30pmMeet around 7.15-7.30pm in hallway to the right past front desk. 5 per person. A great friendly group and always willing to welcome new swimmers, but don't worry if you don't swim we're all expert in chatting too. You will need shorts to use the sauna.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Male Naturist Swim, Manchester

There is a male naturist swim held every Thursday at Levenshulme Baths, Manchester from 7.30pmMeet around 7.15-7.30pm in hallway to the right past front desk. 5 per person. A great friendly group and always willing to welcome new swimmers, but don't worry if you don't swim we're all expert in chatting too. You will need shorts to use the sauna.Great swim last night with 20 naked guys.....lots of chatting and friendships as well as swimming lol!!

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Male Naturist Swim, Manchester

I agree - the Manchester Men's swim is always a good evening and well-worth attending!!

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Male Naturist Swim, Manchester

I agree with Sunflyer.
this swim is a great way to relax after a hard week at work, to socialise with fellow naturists both in the water and later out of at the local pub (Clothed for that bit).
the swim is a mixed ability & age group and is more social than lane swimming.
soon to be re homed in a brand spanking new leisure centre its currently located in an old municipal baths with a private pool.
great bunch of lads and a nice way to end and evening.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Male Naturist Swim, Manchester

August 6th, another good turn out...19 naked men and all enjoying the swim and chat with friends in private pool, more guests/members welcome on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm. It's so refreshing especially if it's been a warm day and you've had to work !!! lol !!

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Male Naturist Swim, Manchester

We had another great evening yesterday, 22 swimmers and a few new faces too, the time flew by then off to the pub for a drink afterwards. see you there next week. Come on guys give it a go, and only 5. We swim from 19.30 to 20.45, and also have use of the sauna (clothed). A great point in the week.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Male Naturist Swim, Manchester

20th August....another great swim night and I do believe the pool was warmer than usual.....even more enjoyable!! Some new guys joining us, but still lots of room in the pool for more members to come along and swim, chat, swim, chat....a very sociable group too.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Male Naturist Swim, Manchester

Don't forget - anyone in Manchester / North west area looking for nude swim, it's tomorrow evening Thursday at Levenshulme Baths, Manchester at 7.30pm. Meet in right side corridor past the entrance area - cost is 5. Parking at Bluebell Pub just 100 yards up the road.Hope see some more guys there

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Male Naturist Swim, Manchester

Don't forget - anyone in Manchester / North west area looking for nude swim, it's tomorrow evening Thursday at Levenshulme Baths, Manchester at 7.30pm. Meet in right side corridor past the entrance area - cost is 5. Parking at Bluebell Pub just 100 yards up the road.Hope see some more guys thereWhere are you guys? Getting some new swimmers, but more are come along to Levenshulme Baths on Thursdayevenings at 7.30pm and enjoy a nude swim in male company!! All welcome

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Male Naturist Swim, Manchester

Getting better....20 guys turning up for nude swim....always a warm welcome for new men who wish to join us, and the pool is refreshingly warm, and relaxing after work. Awaiting the opening of the new facility in the new year. So come along Thursdays at 7.30pm to Levenshulme Baths, Manchester.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Male Naturist Swim, Manchester

Getting better....20 guys turning up for nude swim....always a warm welcome for new men who wish to join us, and the pool is refreshingly warm, and relaxing after work. Awaiting the opening of the new facility in the new year. So come along Thursdays at 7.30pm to Levenshulme Baths, Manchester.Nude swims on Thursdays....warm almost tropical water, really great evenings with friendly group. New pool should be open early next year Feb/March time so hoping to build up the group and get some new faces for when new facilities are open. So come along and enjoy the freedom of no clothes swims and the company !!

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  • 9 years ago