Wildwood vs Bluebonnet

New on here and it looks like these are two main places to go. They look very similar and close to each other. Which one is the best?

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RE: Wildwood vs Bluebonnet

If you are on the west side of the Metroplex, you also have the option of Armadillo. If you are looking for a place to have a lot of fun, you want Armadillo. If you want an incredible relaxing experience, with many older folks, choose Wildwood. I've only been to Bluebonnet for volleyball tournaments, so I can't really judge. I've heard they have a lot of odd rules and regulations.
Armadillo is just north of Mineral Wells. The other two are close to each other west of Decatur.

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RE: Wildwood vs Bluebonnet

Thanks for the info. I haven't heard about Armadillo. I'll have to look it up.

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