Labor Day Weekend
Hello everyone, how about some spa time during Labor Day Weekend. Instead of the last Saturday of the month lets get together during Labor day weekend. It is Saturday September 5th. Lets get there early and stay late. The spa is open 24/7. Getting there about 9 AM, when usually very few guys are in the bathhouse area. If you like it when it is busier then stay late. They usually have a good group there sometime after 3 pm. There is a good restaurant at the spa so you don't have to leave the spa. If you want to workout and lift weights then they have that also but bring another pair of shoes in your bag for the gym. Lets have a good tn get together that is fun and relaxing.
Repeating my VA nudes post for our spa world foreigners, LOL: Sign Big Pirate Bob up, Billy!!! Eager to see the Dudes of Nude!!! How many folks ya bringing with ya? We gonna get Nick to dance nude this time?? LOL. and, he's got to bring his new kilt!! We three can wear them to spa world!!
Hello everyone, how about some spa time during Labor Day Weekend. Instead of the last Saturday of the month lets get together during Labor day weekend. It is Saturday September 5th. Lets get there early and stay late. The spa is open 24/7. Getting there about 9 AM, when usually very few guys are in the bathhouse area. If you like it when it is busier then stay late. They usually have a good group there sometime after 3 pm. There is a good restaurant at the spa so you don't have to leave the spa. If you want to workout and lift weights then they have that also but bring another pair of shoes in your bag for the gym. Lets have a good tn get together that is fun and relaxing.
I might be able to go this time Billy !! I can let you know for sure by Sept 2nd. Sean
I hope to see both of you guys there at Spa World. I am talking about Stargazer2000 & Blkpegasus. I hope to be there no later than 9 AM. If you get there before 9 AM then you will beat the crowd and have time to enjoy the bade pool before it fills up. I hope to see many other guys there. I have ordered some green wrist bands of TN ID. I hope I get them before I leave to go to the spa.Remember it is $40.00 for every 12 hours there. I plan to try to get my full 12 hours or longer. I do not care if I have to pay more. It is worth it to be to enjoy the time with my tn friends and have a great spa experience.