I guess for the same reason I always cringe when I tell someone the "Bible" is the best compiled book of fiction ever written. People just can not accept what is different outside their surroundings. They don't like their "comfort zone" challenged.
For us we are public business people in the midst of conservative church's on every corner, the need to eat is a motivating factor to keep it on a need to know basis. It is what it is until retirement.
I agree. It would not be a good business move on my part. Unfortunately!
I understand why others who have work related reasons don't shout it out for all to hear that they're nudists, its sad that is ow some employment can affect what you like to do in your own time, its your life after all.
I don't shout it out for all to hear either, but I don't hide the fact that I'm a nudist, I love living nude and have no reason to be ashamed of my preference. If asked I'll tell people the truth and if they wish to know more I'll explain why I am a nudist or answer anything else about why I like life naked. It makes life a lot easier, I don't have any worries about who might see me naked at a nude beach or online. Its sad that its not so easy for every nudist to be like that should they wish.
This question has been asked in a similar discussion before. There are many reasons whytelling all one is anudist is not for all to hear.1/ it is very personal. 2/ Religious fanatics and other political fanaticspersecute people they think are different and abnormal. 3/ professional people would be at a disadvantage in some cases if it were known they were nudists. 4/ just plain shy. 5/ the society norm of textiles versus society's abnormal view of nudity outside of certain accepted situations. 6/ our societies skewed notion of nudity and sex.
Hopefully some day in some utopia everyone no mater who or what they are will all be acceptable.
So it remains up to each of us just how far we wish to leave our comfort zone in tell people we are nudists.
Personally, I think for many it's fear of the unknown, the fear of rejection, job loss, etc, etc. I am proud to proclaim and have done so to others I'm a nudist and to date have not faced rejection though no one I've told has joined me though three have expressed interest in at least learning more, surprisingly all have been women. None of the men I've told I'm a nudist have expressed any interest at all in trying nudism for themselves.
Jim Shedd
Why are people so afraid to admit that they are nudists?
Twenty years ago we were going to a Christian book conference in Palm Springs. I suggested we stay at the Terra Cotta Inn. My wife was reluctant thinking I may have gotten into a sex cult. When we arrived and she saw how ordinary everyone was she relaxed and we had a great time. I almost cried when we had to leave.
The point being the general population always perceives nudism as sexual because its been beaten into them for decades. Any partial nudity you see in the media is connected with looking sexy and sometimes slutty. Any TV shows that use a nudist resort for an episode always play up the embarrassment part. The general population needs to see how incredibly dull we are and that orgies are not happening all the time. That would be our job.