When going from the parents back to college on several occasions. I didn't bother to cover up since I sat higher than most in my truck. Several truckers would look in, smile, and give thumbs up.
Please be careful. I've had friends arrested doing this.
In the daytime I sit on one end of a towel, if I see anyone on the street or Big rigs on the highway, I flip the other end of the towel in my lap and press it between my legs so it looks like I'm wearing a pair of shorts (instead of a miniskirt). I keep a pair of shorts that slip on easily on the floor, positioned in a way I can easily slip them on without much movement. Shorts with a back pocket and your wallet in it, so if you got pulled over, the cop were to you me squirming a bit, tell him I was trying to get my wallet out (it looks like George's from "Seinfeld"
I Drive an SUV that higher up, so you'd have to be standing at the curb purposefuly looking into my vehicle, I follow the speed limit, and drive cautiously. I've done this literally hundreds of times, for thousands of miles, through big cities, small towns, back roads, highways, I,ve even gone through toll booths (wearing my "Shorts") without incident. If I get home after midnight I get out of the car and walk into the house still nude.
If done intelligently, there is little risk of getting caught.
When going from the parents back to college on several occasions. I didn't bother to cover up since I sat higher than most in my truck. Several truckers would look in, smile, and give thumbs up.
Please be careful. I've had friends arrested doing this.
Oh...believe me, I was quite careful. I don't speed and I follow all of the other "rules" to a tee.
I have driven nude before. I had just finished swimming at the apartment pool (in shorts, not a CO place :p ) and still had my beachtowel with me. One of my roommates asked for a ride to Wal~Mart to pick up something or other.He was hedding for the door in his half-joking impatiance. I said, "lets go" and grabbed my wallet and keys and cinched up my towel. His eyes got as big as saucers! He asked me if I was forgetting SOMETHING. I smiled and took the lead out the door to my Suburban truck. I sat on the towel I was waring and as soon as I had the door closed behind me, I opened the towel and buckled in.
I parked a ways from any other car and waited for him there. Always ready to flip the tail of the towel back over my lap. Luckilyfor me there was no need for thevigilance. It was really an enjoyableexperienceand I hope to go on much longer trips in such freedom.