RE: Driving in the Nude

wow what a dream, but I guess I'm not hardcore enough to do it. maybee its also a question where you're living (city/countryside) I think somewhere out in the woods on higways or so it's not such a big deal, but in the middle of a city? downtown nyc or la?? I guess not.. xD

.... but there is a saying in german "sag niemals nie = never say never"

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RE: Driving in the Nude

.... but there is a saying in german "sag niemals nie = never say never"

Justin Beiber says that too lol

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RE: Driving in the Nude

.... but there is a saying in german "sag niemals nie = never say never"
Justin Beiber says that too lol
in german or english??

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RE: Driving in the Nude

what's a bieber?

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RE: Driving in the Nude

More than a few times.... too and from work and around the back roads for a enjoyable summer drive with the windows down enjoying the sights and smell of the fresh summer air.

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RE: Driving Nude

did it once. i just finished workout in the gym, it was already dark. because at that time i forgot to bring some change, i decided to took off all my clothes inside the car and driving nude around 19 miles.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

I have driven several times in the nude, 4oo miles, and thenin teh city untill I reach the motel, ( had to dress then ) My firnd and I drove to a nudist resort in California, nude most of the way except for stopes to eat and the like. I had a real oen pair of shorts at one stop I just wore them to fill up the truck it was fun. When we arrived at the site we both were nude and we checked in that way. A total of 9 days without clothes to include the drive home.

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I didn't actually drive as the police took away my driving licence a week before the trip, but both me and my girflriend at the time stayed naked almost all the way till the beach. Ok..I didn't drive but I was changing the tapes on the cassette player though..mainly doors and beatles..x

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RE: Driving in the Nude

I often do about an hour's naked drive on the A1 and M1 = major "freeways" here. It is quite interesting when there are road works and I'm near stationary, nose to tail in 3 lanes of traffic - Naked. No towel either,

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Its just a matter of when and where you do it. I have a jeep with a canvas top. Driving desert roads incurrs very little risk of encountering anyone else, and, being mostly frderal lands, it isn't illegal anyway.

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