missed opportuniy

I missed my chance at driving to work in the nude when I lived at one nudist resort and worked at another, I didnt realize until later that I could have done that!!!! However I have driven around resorts in the nude!

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First time driving nude

Well I have driven nude from work very late at night,but I just found out the it is legal for a women to be topless,so that might have to be next on my list of things to do.But I am thinking now that when i go on my evening walk with the dog i could very easily take my top off without any issues and enjoy.

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RE: First time driving nude

I like to drive nude. I'll run out to the local fast-food joint with a t-shirt, but as soon as i pull away from the drive-thru, i'm bare again. Granted, I'm only going a mile or two, but I am still careful when pulling up to lights and what-not. While I'd love to be seen, I'd really hate be arrested, so I'm careful. A quick jog out to the post office (drive up box) or home from getting dinner is about as afar as I go.
Many, many years ago, I was coming home from a bar and decided that given the lateness of the hour, I could safely strip and drive. Of course, given my luck, the local police decided to pull me over. I can tell you that the adrenaline rush was completely used up trying to get pants on. I wasn't drunk at the time, a lite buzz (my friends would not have let me drive home otherwise), but I can tell you when the cop showed up at the window with me barely getting my shorts on, I was stone cold sober.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Has anyone driven a vehicle in the Nude, how far did you drive, was it daylight or nighttime. etc.
i drive in the nude at every opportunity. Sometimes as far as 500 k as I have a long commute to my work place twice a month. I have never had a complaint although one sooner or later would not surprise me. I believe there was a nude in vehicle case on trial a few years back in Canada. I had never heard the results of that case.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Has anyone driven a vehicle in the Nude, how far did you drive, was it daylight or nighttime. etc.
i drive in the nude at every opportunity. Sometimes as far as 500 k as I have a long commute to my work place twice a month. I have never had a complaint although one sooner or later would not surprise me. I believe there was a nude in vehicle case on trial a few years back in Canada. I had never heard the results of that case.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

is gwar still around? they put on a great show. i'm asking because i saw them 20 years ago.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Did it once driving home from the store with the windows wide open, 2-3 miles. The cool pre-storm breeze was very refreshing. But as others have indcated, its a dodgy practice with the law. So I won't do it again now I can cross it off my 'bucket list' of nude things to do :-)

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I Drove nude on a bright sunny day.

My Mom lives on an island about 70 miles from my home in Seattle. Access to the island is by a bridge not by ferry.Two years ago when I decided to come out of the "nudist closet"Ihave been looking for nude experiences as well as photooportunities. One Sunday while driving on the island and on a two lane state hiwaywith lots of trees and little traffic, Idecide to pull over at a small park, strip and drive the last 30 miles nude. The sun was out, it was very warm, the sun roof was open and I had some good tunes playing. It was the most beautiful day I have ever experienced. I do have to admit that it is a VERY risky business. One has to be very careful not to speed and to be very cautious. (my elastic waisted shorts were at my feet) Since then I've driven pantless but not totally nude. I know I'll do it again when theweather warms up. It was a great phot op. It would be great to have a friend travel with me next time.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

I have driven plenty of times in the nude. When picking up friends in other cities and states, for one. She lives about an hour away from my place, so it was a cool drive to get there. It is nice to have a towel around just in case the traffic gets to be bumper to bumper.

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re: Driving in the Nude

I have driven nude numerous times.
I confess sometimes was for the thrill, generally after a few drinks. Sometimes because I just spent a wonderful day at the beach or a club (like the first time I went to Bluebonnet) and I just flat didn't want to get dressed, again, ever!
So, my point is that I've done it for both exhibitionist reasons and just plain 'ole it feels good to be nude reasons.

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