RE: Driving in the Nude

OK guys, Use what ever excuse you can think of to show your peepee's to unsuspecting people.
I just hope when they publish your name in the papers they do not call you a nudist.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Driving in the Nude

OK guys, Use what ever excuse you can think of to show your peepee's to unsuspecting people.Now that's not exactly fair. Driving nude is no more exhibitionism than being nude in the woods. I'm not sure if your objection is to driving in the nude per se, or driving in the nude in a convertible in rush hour. There is a difference. If I'm nude in the woods, you wouldn't say that I'm there to "show my peepee". But someone might walk up on me. If I'm driving nude, what's the difference? I can cover up when someone passes or if there's unexpected traffic.

I think you are just grumpy. Does someone need his juice box...or maybe a nap?

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Driving in the Nude

in most vehicles all one would see is a guy without a shirt, and i'm sure that is a common site in many parts of the country(esp. in summer) so what if someone says something about driving naked online, there is nothing the police can do about it.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Driving in the Nude

OK guys, Use what ever excuse you can think of to show your peepee's to unsuspecting people.I just hope when they publish your name in the papers they do not call you a nudist.
Showing his peepee and calling people names. Hmmmmmmm

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Driving in the Nude

OK guys, Use what ever excuse you can think of to show your peepee's to unsuspecting people.I just hope when they publish your name in the papers they do not call you a nudist.
Showing his peepee and calling people names. Hmmmmmmm
Are you Pro Textile ???

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Driving in the Nude

Tell us again how BIG your truck is.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Driving in the Nude

The barmaid likes big ones.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Driving in the Nude

She is not dumb enough to drive around naked.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Driving in the Nude

thomas, your avatar shows more than people can see of me when driving. in this area during the summer it is common to see someone driving without a shirt, and who knows what else.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Driving in the Nude

It never ceases to amaze me ... there are ALWAYS a couple of so called nudists that speak negatively about other nudists because they don't do what they do and they think EVERYONE should do and practice nudism as they do because of course ... they are "Ultra Nudists" because they have the right number of posts! LOL There has been comments about exhibitionism and naked driving. It's OBVIOUS that you don't know the meaning of exhibitionism. Your logic can be used to describe YOU and your tendancies to post pictures of yourself and your genitals in a questionable state. Maybe ... you're an exhibitionist for not only posting your pictures on this site? You've also brought up sanitary conditions of driving nude. Are these same sanitary conditions in question ONLY while driving nude or while you're at a club or resort? Why is it so important to you if a person sits on something in THEIR car? Are YOU in the market for every vehicle out there that is owned by a nudist? You're angry, you're negative and you're unfulfilled ... so you find negativity in anything and everything with everyone else that you perceive to be enjoying life more than you are currently. Do yourself a favor ... get off the computer and go do something constructive instead of destructive by posting negativity on threads you supposedly disagree with. Why is it you're posting here if you disagree with what everyone is doing????? THAT ... doesn't make sense! ; ) I'm curious; of the almost 2700 Ultra Nudist posts amassed ... how many of those are ACTUALLY positive advice and how many of those are criticism, negative, name calling and a failed attempt to be funny!? :D

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  • 13 years ago